Repo Read Online Jessica Gadziala (The Henchmen MC #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Contemporary, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Henchmen MC Series by Jessica Gadziala

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 84788 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 424(@200wpm)___ 339(@250wpm)___ 283(@300wpm)

It felt like it went on forever, but was probably only seconds before his hands moved back up and slid around my lower belly, pulling me backward against his chest. Above us, the downpour became a trickle, the rain clouds slowly moving on to other pastures. My head tilted back to rest on his shoulder and his face moved into the crook of my neck. The was a long pause where he was just holding me, both of us lost in the silent perfection of the moment, before Repo finally spoke and washed it away.

"We won't get this again."

"Get what?" I asked, feeling a small guard move back up over my heart, horrified that I had let it slide down for even a moment.

"This. Privacy. No one sniffing around, no one to give a fuck what we do with our personal lives. This is the first and last time."

I closed my eyes against the crippling truth of that statement, swallowing hard against the bitter taste in my mouth.

It was time to stop letting myself be, well, me.

It was time for Maze to make an appearance.

"Works for me," I said, shrugging a little as I pulled away. "We had an itch; we scratched it. We can move on now," I added as I moved off toward my sopping wet puddle of clothes and slipped into my panties. I had just pulled my tee over my head when Repo's hand snagged my wrist as I lifted my hands to free my hair from my shirt. He used it to turn me roughly.

"What the fuck, Maze?"

"What?" I asked, jerking my wrist from his and pulling out my hair, reaching for his arm and slipping the band off his wrist to tie it all back up.

On a sigh, he reached for his pants, turning away from me as he jumped into them, tying off the condom and wrapping it up in his still-discarded boxer briefs. I took the opportunity to shimmy back into my pants, balling up my bra and shoving it into my back pocket. It would be impossible to try to get the damn thing on with damp skin. Repo snagged his shirt, squeezed it out, and stuffed it into his waistband and I really, really wished he would put it on. Trying to keep my defenses (and libido) in check with him half-naked in front of me was going to be a challenge.

"Are we heading back?" I asked, feeling squirmy with the silent awkwardness between us.

"Maze..." he said, shaking his head as he stepped into his boots.

"What?" I asked, careful to keep my tone hollow.

"Oh, fuck this," he growled, storming over toward me, both his hands going to the sides of my face and using it to hold me still as his lips claimed mine, hard, angry, crushing. I stayed resistant for all of two seconds before I melted against him, my hands grabbing him at the biceps as my tongue pressed forward to tease his. He pulled back just as suddenly as he pulled me in, his hands still crushing into my face. "You want to bullshit everyone else and make them think you're all barbed wire and steel, go right the fuck ahead. But you can't fool me so stop fucking trying."

With that, he pushed me back a step, turned, grabbed his boxers and guns off the ground, then started moving toward the tree line we had entered the range through.

Not having much of a choice, I slid into my boots and rushed to follow, keeping a safe couple of yards between us at all times.

We made it back to the bikes a while later, both of us mostly dry and the heat was starting to bear down on us, making me miserable once again. Well, the heat and the reality of getting a taste of Repo only to know it was the only one I would get, making me miserable.

Repo pulled his tee out of his waistband, wiped my seat then his own before slipping it back on. Even pissed at me, he was still sweet.

The bastard.

We made it back to the compound. We both parked and Repo tore off before I could even get off my bike.

With a shrug that I didn't feel, I made my way inside and down to the basement, planning to grab a change of clothes and going to take a long, cold shower, praying that would settle my frazzled nerves.

That was the plan until I heard footsteps behind me and I turned to find Renny standing there, hands tucked into his front pockets, his normally carefree face looking uncharacteristically serious.

"What's up, Renny?" I asked, dropping my hand with my fresh clothes to my side.

"Why the fuck are you getting called dozens of times from K.C.E Boxing?"





The drive back to the compound, quite frankly, sucked.


