Repo Read Online Jessica Gadziala (The Henchmen MC #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Contemporary, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Henchmen MC Series by Jessica Gadziala

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 84788 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 424(@200wpm)___ 339(@250wpm)___ 283(@300wpm)

His face was almost level with my pussy and he angled his head up to look at me, his chin brushing up the triangle above my sex. "Beautiful," he said as I reached out to brush the rain off his forehead. His palm moved up and around my calf, snagging the back of my knee and yanking it up and open, forcing my hands to slam down on his shoulders to keep my balance as his head ducked then angled up so his tongue could slide up my slick cleft. A tremor ran through the muscles in my thighs as one of my hands left his shoulder and sank into his soft, wet hair, curling in and holding on tight as his tongue worked slow circles around my clit.

I watched him for a moment before tilting my head up to the sky, feeling the rain splash down on my face, watching the lightening crash across the sky. I'd never done anything sexual outside before, let alone during a storm. Something about it felt right, natural, primal. Rain slid down my body as Repo's lips closed around my clit and sucked hard, making me double over.

His arms went out to my waist, grabbing me as I went down on my knees in front of him. My hands went automatically to his shirt as my eyes held his, pulling the wet fabric up and tossing it to the side. My hands moved down his chest, moving over the bold Henchmen tattoo with guns, roses, and stocking-clad ladies' legs, then down over his firm abs, until I found his hard cock through his jeans and stroked my hand over it. Leaning forward, I kissed up the column of his neck as his hands moved down the skin of my back, landing on my ass and sinking in, using it to pull me forward until I was flattened against him.

My hands worked his button and zip then grabbed the waist of his jeans and boxer briefs, fumbling with the heavy, wet material until it pooled around his knees.

"Condom. Wallet. Back left pocket," he demanded as his hand slipped down my ass then between my legs to tease my clit again. I shook my head slightly, trying to work past the overwhelming need for release he was creating and I fumbled for his wallet, finding the condom foil, then discarding the wallet to fall with a slap onto the sopping ground. His finger left my clit. He grabbed the condom and his hands went between us for a long minute, protecting us, the task made harder by the ever-increasing rain.

He pulled back, giving me a wicked smile. "What?" I asked, my hands sliding down his belly and closing around his cock.

"This is gonna be filthy," he declared and I took the double entendre for all it was worth for all of, say, two seconds before his arm went around the center of my back and we were both falling to the ground, my entire body slapping down in the grass that was no longer really grass, but a puddle of water and mud. It coated my body from ankles to the back of my head, slick and slippery.

But I only had a second to consider that before Repo pressed up and moved down my body to nip his teeth into my hardened nipple as his other hand went between my legs again, thrusting two fingers inside me with no pretense at teasing. I arched up into his mouth, my legs going up on either side of his hips so I could move with his thrusts, fast and insistent. I felt myself tightening, getting close quickly.

It had been so long, too long.

My body was desperate for release.

"Nuh-uh," he said, pulling his fingers out of me, giving me a sinister little smile as he moved his hand upward and pushed them into my mouth. "You're gonna come around my cock this time," he said, sliding down onto his forearm as his cock pressed up against me. His fingers pulled from my mouth and moved between us until his cock pressed up against the entrance to my body, pausing for an impossibly long minute until I was squirming against him.

He leaned down, claiming my cold lips and warming them immediately. Then and only then, he thrust hard to the hilt in one smooth move, landing deliciously deep, his mouth muffling the sound of my moan. There was a vibrating, rolling sound in Repo's chest as he stilled inside me for a moment, his lips ripping from my lips and his forehead landing on mine.

When he lifted up, he started thrusting. Slow, but hard, each stroke forward sending us sliding slightly across the slick ground. My hands went to his back, digging in, as my legs crossed around his lower back, allowing me to take him as deep as possible on each stroke.


