Repo Read Online Jessica Gadziala (The Henchmen MC #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Contemporary, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Henchmen MC Series by Jessica Gadziala

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 84788 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 424(@200wpm)___ 339(@250wpm)___ 283(@300wpm)

Encouraged, I ducked my head and worked him with my mouth, a little tentative at first, then faster, deeper, one hand stroking his cock as I sucked and the other stroking over his balls as his hand went to the crown of my head and coaxed me deeper and faster for a long couple of minutes. His quiet groans stirred the desire between my legs until I was wet and aching for fulfillment as well.

"Honey... alright... okay," he said, chuckling slightly as I fought him pulling me backward. I wanted to taste his release; I wanted to own his pleasure. He held me back from him by my hair. "I got one rule with sex, Maze."

"Rule?" I asked, brows raising. That was a new one for me. I'd never run across a man with sexual rules.

"You always come first," he said, using my hair to drag me back to my feet.

"Well, I think I can get behind a rule like that."

"Right now, I'm getting behind you," he said, smile a little boyish as he released my hair, my scalp stinging slightly. "Hands on the fence, Maze," he commanded, reaching into his back pocket for his wallet and pulling out a condom.

Feeling anticipation flutter in my belly, I turned to face the fence, spreading my arms wide and grabbing the fence as per orders. I stood that way a long minute, long enough for me to almost look over my shoulder to make sure he was still there, before I felt his hands grab the waistband of my jeans and, without bothering to unfasten them, yanking them roughly down my legs. I felt his body move in behind me, his feet settling inside of mine, his cock pressing against my ass. One of his hands slid up my back, sinking into my hair, wrapping it around his hand and yanking roughly, making me arch back. "Hands stay on the fence," he reminded me as I automatically moved to get closer to him and ease the smarting of my scalp. His other hand moved out and squeezed my ass cheek hard once before guiding him between my thighs. I couldn't even build up any anticipation before he slammed hard and deep.

I cried out his name as I clenched around him, my hands pulling at the fence as I stuck my ass out further.

"Fucking perfect view," he said withdrawing slightly, his voice tense as his hand went to one of my hips, digging in and using it to pull me backward as he thrust deep again. There was no reservation after that. He fucked me fast, rough, his fist pulling my hair harder with each stroke of his cock, his hand occasionally slapping my ass cheek as he kept up our frantic pace, me shoving back into him, greedy, needing release. My moans came out loud and uncontrolled, so wrapped up I was completely unconcerned with being overheard.

I didn't get the slow build-up, the expected suspended sensation that always proceeded an orgasm. No, it slammed through my system completely unexpected, my legs going weak and Repo's hand had to go around my waist to hold me upward as he kept thrusting through the rapid waves of pulsations deep inside.

I came down to reality hard, sucking in a breath I hadn't been aware of holding. Repo held me against his chest, his stubble grazing my neck as he teased my earlobe with his tongue and teeth.

"Now," he said, voice still rough and it shivered through my satisfied system, "let's see if we can convince you that nothing ever has or ever will feel as good as my cock in your ass, huh?"

And, well, was there really any way to deny him anything?

Especially with a promise like that and the fact that he seemed wholly capable of delivering on it.

"Okay," I said, turning my head toward the side on his shoulder and he leaned down and kissed the tip of my nose.

"Okay," he agreed, hand going between us and stroking his cock up my slick cleft. "Nervous?"

"No." First because, as much as I trusted anyone outside of K and his team of badasses, I trusted Repo. Second because, I'd dated Thato for a long time then a couple other guys over the years living in the city. And, well, let's face it, every guy made a move to try anal at some point. I couldn't exactly claim those had been altogether pleasant experiences, certainly not orgasm-inducing, but it was a different kind of intimacy and it was fulfilling a desire of someone you cared for.

I felt his cock slide up toward my ass, pressing there hard for a second but not sliding in. "You need me to slow down, tell me," he instructed, one hand pushing against my lower stomach as he slowly penetrated. I closed my eyes, breathing deep as he filled me. "You alright?" he asked as I felt him push fully inside.


