Saving Rafe Read online Jocelynn Drake (Lords of Discord #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Lords of Discord Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 125
Estimated words: 116408 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 582(@200wpm)___ 466(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

Philippe watched the muscles in Rafe’s jaw flex and jump as if he were grinding his teeth. He was staring straight ahead, but Philippe could easily guess that he was lost in thought, turning over the information Philippe had given him.

“Are there any others like Piper among the clan?” Rafe asked. His voice was tight and stiff, as if he were very carefully choosing his words.


“What about children? Any vampire children running around?”


The silence stretched uncomfortably between them for nearly a minute before Philippe finally cracked. “Please, say something.”

“I need to think on this.” Rafe shoved off the couch and paced away. He thrust one hand through his hair. The muscles in his shoulders seemed painfully tense, but his voice was so careful when he spoke. “These three were chosen for a reason. It can’t be simply because they were the easiest targets. The others you said were in their thirties. They would have had some skills to survive that long.”

“Rafe, please, we are past the diplomatic nonsense. Talk to me. Truly talk to me.”

Rafe stopped with his back to Philippe, his hands balled into fists at his side. He spun around suddenly. “How the hell could you keep this from me?” he shouted. “Keep this from my family. You say that you want our help. That you want an alliance. But you’re keeping this kind of critical information from us. Piper isn’t some random disappearance. You’ve got a murderer picking off your clan one by one.”

Philippe jumped to his feet and took a couple of steps toward Rafe. “And what exact critical information are you so disturbed about? That I’ve built a clan on the outcasts and broken among our people? That the vampires who shouldn’t exist in this world have found a home among the Arsenaults?”

“That’s not it at all,” Rafe snapped.

“Do you worry that my clan is not strong enough to be an ally for the Variks? That we would be a burden?”

“No, I’m worried that someone has targeted you. I’m terrified you’re going to be killed protecting your clan!” Rafe shouted directly into Philippe’s face. “I’m worried you don’t have enough clanmates strong enough to stand beside you and fight!”

Philippe rocked back on his heels at Rafe’s words, his heart giving an excited little jump in his chest. It took his brain an extra second to catch up with the rest of Rafe’s words.

“How could you not trust me with this information?”

The hurt in Rafe’s voice had Philippe moving again. He lifted his hand to cup Rafe’s cheek, forcing him to meet Philippe’s direct gaze. “First and foremost, I have to protect my clan. All my clan members are outcasts or wounded in some way. They struggle to survive on their own—most wouldn’t be welcome among the other clans. But they’ve found a home with the Arsenaults. With time, they thrive here, but they need the safety I can offer.”

Rafe’s eyes suddenly widened and when he whispered “Gideon,” Philippe knew the last pieces had clicked into place for Rafe.

“Yes, when I saw you with Gideon, I knew you’d understand. He’s beautiful and sweet.”

“But because of his…deformity…” That word came out choked and Philippe could guess it hurt Rafe to even say it because he didn’t see Gideon as anything but perfect the way he was.

“He’d be alone and vulnerable without you.”

Rafe turned his head and pressed a kiss to the center of Philippe’s palm. He swore he could feel the heat, the gentle brush throughout his entire body.

“Most vampires would see my clan as an abomination. They would see us as something to be destroyed. I’ve never trusted anyone outside my clan with this information. Even if your brothers choose not to form an alliance with us, they cannot tell anyone what you’ve learned.”

“The Variks will have no problem with your clan.”

“Even though we aren’t the strongest?”

“My brothers won’t care. I don’t care. Honesty and loyalty, that’s all we ask for. When this is over, when you speak with Marcus, you must be completely honest.”

Philippe pulled away from Rafe. “You’re not going to tell your brothers what I’ve told you?”

Rafe looked uncomfortable as he partially turned away. “I…I won’t volunteer the information if that’s what you’d prefer. But I won’t lie if any of them ask me a direct question. It isn’t just a matter of not knowing you may need more help in protecting your members, but we also must keep our tiny family safe. We have a fledgling, and God knows his common sense is a bit questionable if he’s fallen in love with Marcus.”

“Tell them.”

Rafe blinked at him in surprise. “Are you sure?”

The fact that Rafe was still trying to protect the Arsenaults, and his own family, made his decision even easier. “Yes. Tell your brothers. It would give them some time to think about it before I speak with Marcus.”


