Saving Rafe Read online Jocelynn Drake (Lords of Discord #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Lords of Discord Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 125
Estimated words: 116408 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 582(@200wpm)___ 466(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

“We won’t betray your trust.”

“I know.” And he did. He believed Rafe. He hadn’t thought such a thing was possible, didn’t think he’d find someone outside of his clan he could rely on, but for all his brazen behavior and flippant attitude, Rafe was incredibly trustworthy.

Rafe stunned him by grabbing his arm and pulling him into a tight hug. Closing his eyes, Philippe let himself lean against Rafe, resting his cheek on Rafe’s strong shoulder. When was the last time he’d been able to sink into another person’s reassuring strength and warmth? For just a moment, believe that he wasn’t alone in the world?

“Thank you, Rafe,” Philippe whispered.

“You scare the fuck out of me,” Rafe replied in a ragged voice.

His words shook Philippe out of the moment, and he pulled away enough to meet Rafe’s eyes. “Why?”

“Because all I can think about now is what it would mean if someone did find out the truth. You’d throw yourself in front of whoever was attacking your clan and you’d die. I know that because it’s the same damn thing I’d do for my brothers or Gideon or Lola.”

“I’m not weak!” Philippe snarled as he put more space between himself and Rafe. “Just because three of my clan members have been stolen away does not mean I’m weak. I can protect my people.”

This was the very fear that had dogged him since Erik’s disappearance months ago. He promised to keep his people safe and now two of them were dead. But it wouldn’t happen again. He’d find Piper. He’d find the culprit.

“That’s not what I meant.” Rafe made a grab for his arm again, but Philippe twisted away, dodging his hand. “I don’t think you’re weak. I’ve felt firsthand how strong you are. What I’m saying is that you can’t do this alone, but it feels like you are trying to, and that fucking scares me.”

“I’m not alone. Jullien and Ezra have been investigating with me.”

“The same Ezra who is very much opposed to me and the Variks. I don’t get the impression Jullien is my biggest supporter either.”

“They are skeptical of all outsiders. They believe in me and support me.”

Rafe made another grab for his arm, and this time Philippe allowed himself to be caught. He was dragged into Rafe’s strong arms, and Philippe found himself relaxing against him. “And I believe in you. You sent Jullien to rescue my ass. You’ve been fighting to find Piper when many clan leaders would have simply shrugged off her disappearance. I want you to be careful.”

Philippe grinned up at Rafe, and he could hear the catch in Rafe’s breathing. They were so damn close, their bodies pressed lightly together from hip to chest. He could feel Rafe’s heart speed up, and his own did the same when the tip of Rafe’s tongue slipped out to wet his lips.

Rafe bent his head, closing the distance between them. The first touch was so light, tentative, as if he was giving Philippe a chance to back away, to reject him. Few things could have torn Philippe from Rafe in that moment. He shifted, pushing up on his toes to close the two inches of distance that separated them. Rafe moved at the same time, slamming their mouths together.

The world exploded, and Philippe found himself clinging to Rafe. They both moaned, and Philippe saw it as an invitation to thrust his tongue inside Rafe’s mouth while the vampire tightened his arms around Philippe’s smaller frame. The control he’d been fighting so damn hard to hold on to evaporated in an instant. Desire raged through him, demanding he conquer Rafe completely. He needed to taste and touch all of him.

Each hungry little groan and whimper from Rafe threw more fuel on the fire. Rafe tasted of perfection. His hard body fit against Philippe’s; it was like they were made for one another.

Reluctantly, Philippe ended the kiss. He opened his eyes to find himself drowning in the black depths of Rafe’s. Hungry and pleading for him to continue. Raising his hand, he brushed his thumb across Rafe’s wet and swollen lower lip.

“This isn’t over. One day very soon, I’m going to fuck you. You’re going to beg me to let you come.”

“Yes,” Rafe whispered. He seemed so lost to the image in his head that Philippe smiled.

“And you’re going to look so beautiful when you come. I can’t wait.”

“Now.” Rafe blinked as if waking up and looked around the room as if he was searching for an appropriate flat surface.

Philippe chuckled. He pulled Rafe down for another kiss but kept it brief, releasing Rafe before the kiss could get out of hand. His self-control was hanging on by a thin thread. “Soon. We must find Piper first.”


Philippe threw his head back and laughed. “Yes, I promise.”

“Good, because I’m dying to experience all the dirty things running through that angelic-looking head of yours.”


