Spotlight Read online Eden Finley (Famous #2)

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Famous Series by Eden Finley

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 100441 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 502(@200wpm)___ 402(@250wpm)___ 335(@300wpm)

“Swear jar,” Kaylee sings.

“And then she betrays me like that,” I mutter.

The three of us go out to meet Chase and Brenna, but when the car pulls around, three people get out.

“Chase!” Kaylee calls, and they both run into the house.

I’m still too busy looking at the man in a pristine blue suit with meticulously styled dirty-blond hair and a smile I’d recognize anywhere. He makes my stomach flip, but only because he’s familiar.

“Holy shi—vers, you and your brother could be twins,” I say to Lyric. “You know, if you cut your hair.”

“And aged seven years. Do I really look as old as him?”

“Heard that, little brother,” Chord says. He extends his hand to me. “Chord Jones. Nice to finally meet you.”

Brenna steps forward. “Yes, I’ve been dying to meet the boy bander who’s been keeping our Lyric busy with all those overnighters.”

My hand freezes in Chord’s grip, and I try to wipe any guilt from my face. I don’t know if Lyric’s told them about us. I guess I assumed he didn’t even though I technically only asked him to keep it from Kaylee. Well, and the general public, but I wouldn’t classify his brother and sister-in-law that way.

“Subtle, Brenna,” Lyric says. “Really subtle. Thank you for dropping Chase off. You’ve done your duty. You can go have date day now.”

“Aww, we thought we’d stay for the party.” Chord smiles. “Get to know the girl Chase tells us he’s going to marry one day. Family is important.”

Brenna snickers.

“Oh, dear God. They’re doing this to torture me,” Lyric mutters.

“Hey, then I’m all for it.” I smile. “By all means. Please come in. We’re just waiting for Kaylee’s mom to arrive, and then we can leave for the playground.”

They both look confused, and I’m guessing Lyric hasn’t told them anything about Maggie, which I respect. I’m sure Maggie appreciates it too.

Lyric and I lead the way, and as we keep walking, I lean in and lower my voice.

“Do they know?”

“No. They know how much I’m crushing on you and are giving me shit.”

“Good to know.”

“I wouldn’t tell anyone without letting you know.”

“It’s okay if you do tell them. I just wanted to know what I’m working with.”

Lyric lets out a breath of relief, and it’s only now that he’s relaxed I realize how tense he was about it.

The gate buzzes again as we reach the foyer.

“That’ll be Maggie.” I duck back outside to greet her, and when we head inside, we find everyone in the playroom.

Lyric’s given Chord and Brenna some drinks, and they’re chatting while Kaylee and Chase dig through her dress-up chest.

“You can borrow my clothes,” Kaylee says. “Lyric wears Daddy’s clothes all the time. They’re going to get married like us!”

I’ve never once experienced the expression so silent you could hear a pin drop, but right now, everyone in the damn room can probably hear my heart hammering. It’s on a mission to break free from my rib cage.

Chord’s and Brenna’s gazes go to Lyric, sizing up him and his clothes, which are my clothes.

Maggie tries to hold back her laughter.

Lyric looks as dumbfounded as I feel.

“Did she just say …” I start.

“Getting married, huh?” Maggie asks. “Congrats?”

“Smart-ass,” I mumble.

Lyric walks over to where Kaylee and Chase stand by the dress-up box, looking nervous like they think they’ve done something wrong. They may not understand what’s happening, but with this much tension in the room, I’d be scared too.

Hell, I am scared. I’m scared about what she’s going to say next in front of all these people.

Lyric lowers himself to their level. “Kaylee, honey, why do you think your daddy and I are going to get married?”

She glances around the room as if her answer might get her in trouble. “Because … because …” She looks at me.

“It’s okay, bub.”

“Because you kiss and sleep in the same bed, and you always wear his clothes.”

Yeah, that whole thing where I thought my daughter was oblivious? Turns out we were the ones who were so blinded by each other we didn’t know she was watching and listening to every. Damn. Thing.

“And that’s what married people do?” Lyric asks.

“Chase says that’s what his parents do.”

A whispered voice comes from across the room. “I kind of feel like we should leave, but I really want to watch.” It’s Brenna.

I can’t help it. I snort so loud I think I startle myself.

Everyone looks at me, but I can’t explain it.

Everything in this moment feels so ridiculous.

“I spent seven years hiding who I was from the public, pretending … so many things that aren’t me. I’ve taught Kaylee anyone can love anyone regardless of identity or gender, but I never actually told her the truth.” I laugh hard. “And then she outs me like she’s known the whole fucking time.”

“Swear jar,” Lyric says with a smile.


