Spotlight Read online Eden Finley (Famous #2)

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Famous Series by Eden Finley

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 100441 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 502(@200wpm)___ 402(@250wpm)___ 335(@300wpm)

He’s terrible at returning the clothes he borrows, but I couldn’t care less.

That’ll probably change when I run out of clothes, but for now, I have him in my bed at least three nights a week, sometimes four.

It’s a miracle we haven’t been caught by my very inquisitive daughter, but with Maggie coming home permanently, Kaylee’s no longer having nightmares, and I think she’s finally—finally—moving out of the bed-wetting stage as it’s becoming a rare occurrence.

I have no idea what time it is, but I know we won’t have time to fool around before Kaylee wakes up, so I slip out of bed to let Lyric sleep a bit more.

Today’s going to be a hectic day because I’m now officially the father of a five-year-old.

When the fuck did that happen?

I swear it was yesterday she was crawling around backstage and sucking on microphone cables.

Parent of the year, right here.

I wander through the house slowly, trying to wake up for the day. Kaylee’s bedroom is quiet as I walk by, so I assume she must be sleeping.

Only, when I get downstairs and go into the playroom, I realize I was wrong because Kaylee is sitting in the middle of the floor watching cartoons on TV.

“How long have you been awake?”

“Since it was dark out!” She’s way too excited about that.

Great. We’re going to be filling up a tired five-year-old with sugar all day. That’s not a recipe for disaster or anything.

“Excited about your birthday?”

Her face splits with a big smile. “It’s my first birthday with friends. And Mommy!”

Ugh, how she’s gone five years without any kid friends is a little sad. Hello guilt, we meet again.

Over the last five years, Maggie has always managed to see Kaylee around her birthday, but she’s never been here for the actual day. It’s not like she had a choice in that, though. Even her discharge is taking longer than expected, but I know her flight arrives early this morning, and she’ll be here before we leave for Kaylee’s party.

“I guess I should start making some food to take to the playground today.”

Lyric and I got a lot of it done last night, but we have to do last-minute things.

“Yes, you should.”

I know I shouldn’t laugh at her tone, but I can’t stop it. “Okay, Miss Bossy Pants. Why don’t you go pick out what you’re going to wear?”

“I already know.” She gets up and runs over to her dress-up box, and I know she’s going to pull out an Elsa dress.

I get most of the stuff done for the party before Lyric even wakes. When he does make his way downstairs, he’s in another shirt and jeans of mine, and I have to remind myself I’m determined to keep our relationship from Kaylee. I’m sure there’s a good reason for her not to find out, but I really can’t remember when all I want to do is kiss him good morning.

As if sensing my thoughts, he approaches, glances over my head at Kaylee, and then plants a kiss on my cheek.

“She isn’t watching,” he whispers.

It’s as quick as that. He steps back and looks around at everything I’ve already accomplished.

“You should’ve woken me. I could’ve helped.”

“You deserved to sleep in after last night.”

He waggles his eyebrows.

“Because we were up late getting the rest ready, not because of what you did when we were done. Although, that was a good effort too.”

“Just good? I need to up my game.”

“It was amazing, phenomenal—”

“I’m ready!”

We turn to Kaylee, and I have to bite back another laugh.

Lyric is quick to whip out his phone and take a photo.

She has on her Elsa dress, as suspected, but I wasn’t expecting the army helmet and Nerf guns.

“You look super cute, bub, but, uh, are the guns and helmet really necessary?”

“Yes,” she says simply.

“Of course they are,” Lyric says. “What’s a birthday party without war games?”

The buzzer for the gate sounds.

Lyric heads for the front of the house. “That’ll be Brenna with Chase.”

I hit the button on the wall to let them in.

As he reaches the sliding doors leading to the less messy part of the house, Lyric looks at me over his shoulder. “Did you want to … I mean, you haven’t met her yet …”

I should meet her. If not as the guy seeing her brother-in-law, then at least as his boss.

“Too much?” he asks.

I realize I haven’t moved. “No. It’s, uh, yeah, let’s do that.”

“I’m not leading you to the firing squad,” Lyric says. “You might want to try smiling.”

“I am smiling. I’m thinking of three different ways to murder you for being a condescending jerk.”

“What’s a con-sed-ending jerk?” Kaylee asks.

I turn to Kaylee. “Sweetie, if someone tells you that you should smile, what do you say?”

“Give me a reason to.”

I turn back to Lyric. “See, I’ve taught her valuable feminist lessons and shit.”


