The Boyfriend Comeback (The Boyfriend Zone #1) Read Online Lauren Blakely

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Boyfriend Zone Series by Lauren Blakely

Total pages in book: 122
Estimated words: 117872 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 589(@200wpm)___ 471(@250wpm)___ 393(@300wpm)

He walks off the field. I guess the teleport machine is on the fritz.

I turn to Ian. “If I say yes, how does this work?”

“Moore Media is the PR agency handling the Ultimate Player Auction. We want to move quickly to put together some marketing materials and start talking up the auction, so the agency is hosting players tomorrow afternoon for a prep session for the event, to ask what the athletes like in a partner and all that,” he explains.

Hmm. How am I going to please the team owner and myself? I know—I’ll go on a platonic date. “Who else is doing the auction?”

“The teams started lining up guys on Monday,” Ian says. He rattles off players from the local baseball, hockey, and basketball teams. “The Renegades are sending Carter, Hayden, Isaiah, and Evan, so far. And on the Hawks, Xavier Walters, Devon, and Jason McKay already agreed.”

I stop short at the mouth of the tunnel.

What the hell? Jason said yes, and he didn’t mention it to me? Didn’t we have an understanding? Neither one of us is dating. Heck, we are not supposed to be dating.

But from the things we’d said, I kinda thought Jason and I were on the same page—we can’t see each other, but we don’t want to see anyone else either.

I burn.

“I’ll do it,” I bite out.

If Jason’s going to play dating games, so will I.




Football is a great sport for venting. A little anger goes a long way. During our practice the next day, I channel all my annoyance into a laser focus on the playbook.

When that’s done, I go home, shower, and change.

Need to look extra hot for this early evening meeting. I want Jason to know what he’s missing out on when some other guy or gal bids on me.

But as I stare at the relative sameness of my wardrobe, I draw a blank. Does he like me in black or white? Jeans or shorts?

Hell if I know.

I sigh in frustration as I flick through my clothes. Wait. I do know how to get a rise out of him.

You’re a genius, Beck.

I pick a short-sleeve button-down, then roll up the sleeves twice to show more of my ink.

The guy salivates for my tats. There. Let him enjoy the view. It’ll be such a shame if he pictures another person licking the art on my body.

On my way over to the meeting, I call Rachel to get some pointers. I need a killer bio, and she’s aces at dating. “I have to do this auction. They want to know what I like in a guy or a gal. What do I say?”

“Pfft. Easy. You like someone confident, outgoing, big-hearted, and who isn’t afraid to tell you when you’re wrong.”

Way to see inside my soul. That’s also perfect ammunition. “Thanks, Rach,” I say, then hang up when I reach the building.

I meet Carter in the lobby, right as Hayden and Isaiah leave their sessions. It’s like an assembly line of athletes. Jason’s in my session, and I join him in a meeting room. He’s already grabbed a seat. He’s wearing a deep blue shirt, so rich it’s like a sapphire, making his eyes look incredible.

But I won’t be swayed.

The firm owner is Jillian Moore, who commands the room from a high-backed chair at the head of the table. “Thanks for coming, guys. To prep for the auction, we’re creating a fun online catalog of all the players, with profiles and bios for your perfect dates. And we just want to go down the line with what you’re looking for in a match so the attendees can decide who to bid on.”

She turns to Carter first. “Carter, you said you date women. Tell me what you’re looking for in a lady.”

The Renegades receiver drags a hand through his hair like that helps him think harder about dating. “I’m kind of like Owen Wilson in Starsky and Hutch. I’ll take anything.”

Jason laughs, and I want to laugh too, but I don’t want to have anything in common with my rival right now.

Jillian smiles professionally. “Cute, but probably not the best answer.”

“You could say you’re easygoing,” Jason offers Carter.

Of course, Mister Likeable has a good answer.

Carter’s eyes light up. “Good one. I’m also laid-back and fun, but I’m honestly kind of fed up with the hookup culture. I want someone who’s a good person and likes to have a great date night.”

“You should be the spokesperson for that app,” I say offhand before thinking about what’s coming out of my mouth.

“Which one?” Carter asks eagerly, like maybe there’s an app he missed.

“That new one. Date Night. They want—”

Oh, shit. I only know what Date Night wants because of Jason.

The guy in blue shoots me a look that says shut the fuck up.

I improvise. “I mean, I heard they want someone who wants that whole real date, real love thing, since that’s Date Night’s thing,” I say, a garbled and awful stab at recovery. “At least, I’m guessing they do.”


