The Boyfriend Comeback (The Boyfriend Zone #1) Read Online Lauren Blakely

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Boyfriend Zone Series by Lauren Blakely

Total pages in book: 122
Estimated words: 117872 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 589(@200wpm)___ 471(@250wpm)___ 393(@300wpm)

“Put it out there and the universe will deliver. Or something like that,” he says.

“I think you want the bad boy to deliver, not the universe, buddy.”

“Or maybe I want the bad boy to deliver in my universe,” he says.

“Maybe you should try out for the New York Horn Dogs. Anyway, I wanted to pass on a tip for you and your agent if you’re looking for sponsorship deals. Zena Palladium is dying to have a gay dude be the face of her app. I can connect you. I turned her down.”

“Aww, you’re giving me your sloppy seconds.”

That’s not the case, and I want him to know it. “I’m just not dating.” I feel bad lying, so I shift gears as I near the ice cream shop on the corner, where black spiders and cobweb cutouts decorate the shop window in the spirit of the season. “Anyway, are you coming here early next week before our game?”

“I’ll fly out a day or two early to see the family, but I’ve got some time. You want to hit the links?”



I stare at the too-cute-to-be-spooky décor, and inspiration strikes. Halloween is six days from now, on a Thursday. I am an evil genius! If I have a Halloween party, I’ll have reason to invite Beck . . . along with everyone else.

Can’t ask him out to the movies, or for dinner, or anything that screams real date, but a party is a perfect cover. I won’t have to flash the I like you Bat-signal to get another night with him, both with friends and then alone.

When the party ends, Beck can stay behind with me. Just me and him and my Alaskan King bed. That’d give me two nights with Beck—Monday and Thursday—and I don’t have to serve up my heart.

I ad-lib an invite to Luke. “And I’m having a Halloween party next week too. My house. Sports-themed costumes, but you can’t be an athlete in the sport you play,” I tell him.

“Rules. God bless ’em. And yes, I’m in for the party and a round of eighteen,” Luke says.

I say goodbye, thinking of the party prep I’ll need to do over the next few days. But I love that shit.

A few minutes later, I reach the gym.

Even though I saw Beck mere hours ago, the prospect of seeing him again now excites me on a whole new level. I hope he’s feeling the same way.




I don’t believe in signs. But if I did, a condom would be a good one. When I spot it under the entryway table, I pick it up, finger the foil wrapper, then tuck it into my wallet like a good luck charm.

Maybe it’ll give me the balls to ask Jason a big question.

If all goes well on our clandestine date this morning, I’ll ask to see him regularly on the down-low. A crazy thought, but it’s got a hold of me. After his surprise visit, I can’t let go of the idea.

Last night was unexpected and amazing. I didn’t open up to Rachel that quickly. But Jason’s so easy to talk to. He makes me feel . . . safe and understood.

It’s a warm and wonderful feeling. I don’t want it to end, and I don’t want to wait around for one of us to get jealous or horny and just show up at the other’s door. I want to find a way, any way, to keep having him. If that means sneaking around for the rest of the season, I’ll do it. If it means darting out before dawn, I’m on board.

I leave for the gym, heading down the stone path toward the sidewalk, plotting possibilities.

Portia is sauntering down the pavement toward me, swinging a paper bag in one hand and cradling her phone with the other. “I just picked up bagels at your favorite place,” she says into the phone. “You better come here for Thanksgiving because I know how much you like your Thanksgiving bagels.”

Thanksgiving, yes! That could happen too.

Buoyed by the prospect of turkey and mashed potatoes and sex, though not in that order, I wave to my landlady, then turn down the street.

“Wait, Beck!”

I turn around. “Hey, Portia.”

Covering her phone, she nods surreptitiously to the driveway. “If you ever have a guest, they can park in the driveway instead of the street. It’s a perk of renting.”


Did she see him come over? Or spot us making out by the door? I slap on my game face, giving nothing away. “Good to know.”

As I head for the gym, I pick up the pace, needing distance from that uncomfortable moment. My brain crawls with new questions: Is a secret fling too risky? Is it even worth it? Do I need to worry about Portia?

Sliding open my texts, I tap out a message to Jason, asking Did my landlady see you leave?


