The Confession – Unbroken – Heavenly Rising Read Online Shayla Black

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 130159 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 651(@200wpm)___ 521(@250wpm)___ 434(@300wpm)

“I see.” Seth’s pause was lengthy and inscrutable. “Did it take you long to find a conference in the city that same week?”

“To find one that had anything to do with vascular surgery took more than a few minutes,” Beck admitted, wishing he could get a read on Seth’s reaction. “Look, I figured we could fly out together. I booked a room at the conference hotel, which shouldn’t be more than a taxi ride from your mom’s place.”

Seth frowned. “So you’re planning to crash the wedding?”

“No,” Beck assured. “I wouldn’t do that. I’m not a raging asshole.”

Seth heaved out a sigh. “I know. It’s just, I thought—”

“That I intended to show up and force our relationship down your family’s throat? I understand the reasons you’d rather wait to tell your mother about us, and I get it.”

Heavenly stroked a hand down Seth’s arm and sent him a placid smile. “Everyone—your aunts, uncles, siblings, and cousins—will be at the wedding, right?”

Cooper nodded, looking guarded. “Yeah.”

“I’m guessing that means a lot of people will be staying at your mom’s house?”

“Yeah.” He frowned suspiciously.

“Since your mom is traditional and we’re not married, I doubt she’ll be okay with us sharing a bedroom. I’d rather not spend my nights without you, and it seems silly for each of us to take a bedroom while someone else, probably one of your brothers, will be relegated to a sofa.”

Beck bit back a smile. He knew where Heavenly was leading the conversation…which was exactly where he’d hoped to take it.

Seth snorted. “After I walked in on her and Carl fucking on our kitchen table, she can’t object too loudly.”

“You caught them having sex?” Heavenly gasped.

“Yep. On the same table I ate every meal and did my homework on as a kid. Seeing some strange man bang my mother was”—he shook his head as if he hoped to shake the vision free—“traumatizing.”

“I’m sure.” She cringed. “But even so, with all those people coming to celebrate her big day, wouldn’t it give her—and us—some breathing room if we stayed at the hotel with Beck?”

While Seth digested her suggestion, Heavenly cast Beck a conspiratorial smile. Idly wondering if she was spending too much time with meddling Raine, he nodded her way.

“There’ll be plenty of room,” Beck added to sway Seth. “I booked a suite.”

Moments passed. Finally, the PI stopped frowning and slowly started nodding, as if he saw the wisdom of Heavenly’s argument.

“During the day, I’ll attend the conference, while you and Heavenly enjoy all the family things. At night, we’ll hook up in our hotel room and do all the pleasurable things.” Beck underscored his suggestion with a lascivious grin.

“I love that plan. I like doing pleasurable things with you two.” Heavenly fluttered her lashes at them.

“So do we,” Seth assured with a wolfish curl of his lips. “But I know my brothers, especially the twins. If they think they might miss out on a party in the city, they’ll want to come with us.”

“Let them.” Beck shrugged. “I’ll tell them I’m staying in a room down the hall or something.”

Seth looked surprised. “You wouldn’t mind?”

“Bending the truth? I don’t love it, but I can live with it temporarily. And if they happen to go to the bathroom and see both of our electric razors on the counter, just tell them the second one is for your balls.” Beck grinned.

“And the day of the wedding?” Seth fished.

Beck shrugged. “That’s up to you, man. I can come with you as your good friend who happened to be in town or not at all—whatever you’re comfortable with. Whatever you think your mom will understand.”

“It just might work. You may not believe me, but I want you to meet my family. It’s important that they get to know you, so that, down the road, when I tell them about our relationship, they’ll understand—”

“That I’m not just some perv banging your girlfriend with you?”

“Exactly.” Seth nodded.

“If Beck happened to be in town and his conference ended that Friday, no one would question you inviting our good friend to your mom’s wedding,” Heavenly pointed out. “Plus, meeting some of your LA friends would give your family more insight about your new life.”

“That’s a good point…” Seth conceded, then pinned Beck with a stare. “Would that be okay with you?”

“Yeah. The cover story will work—for now.”

At least he’d get to attend with them and meet the PI’s family.

“That’s not exactly what I was asking.” Seth rubbed at the back of his neck. “Will you be okay not touching Heavenly at the wedding? For this to work, you can’t give her any affection. You can’t even look at her the way you normally do.”

As if he was dying to fuck her?

“To be honest, I’m not sure I could do it if the roles were reversed,” Seth admitted.


