The Confession – Unbroken – Heavenly Rising Read Online Shayla Black

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 130159 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 651(@200wpm)___ 521(@250wpm)___ 434(@300wpm)

Beck did a gut check. Could he actually treat their girl as a mere friend?

You can do anything you have to, as long as it’s not forever. Gloria’s voice, along with the sage advice she’d given him years ago, echoed in Beck’s brain. Besides, the three of them had no future if they couldn’t get Seth’s family on board. The reception would probably be torture. He’d simply have to focus on their long-term good.

“I can nix the PDA for a few hours,” Beck conceded. “I don’t know if I can change the way I look at her, but I’ll do my best.”

Seth nodded. “That’s the best I can’t ask for, especially since I know I look at her the same way.”

Heavenly frowned. “Like what?”

With a low growl, Seth brushed Heavenly’s hair aside before raking his teeth down her neck. “Like I’m the Big Bad Wolf and you’re Little Red.”

She shivered beneath Seth’s sensual assault, her eyes drifting closed.

“Exactly,” Beck murmured. “So it’s settled?”

“Yeah,” Seth whispered against her skin. “You’re coming with us to New York. Let’s celebrate.”

Thank fuck they’d come to an agreement—and overcome what could have been a giant hurdle. After Grace Cooper’s wedding, they could come clean with Seth’s family. Hopefully, they would accept the three of them someday. Sure, they still had obstacles to overcome, and Beck still had questions about Seth’s story he needed to ask…in good time. When they were more settled. When it seemed like Seth was in a better place to answer them. Soon. It had to be since he’d already waited weeks. But not now.

“Good idea,” Beck murmured. “That’s why I thought ahead and brought the party with me. Look in the bag.”

Rustling plastic told him Seth was doing just that. “Strawberries, whipped cream, and champagne. Hot damn, we have everything for a decadent strawberry shortcake.” He glided his hand over her dress and palmed her breast. “As long as you’ll be our cake, angel.”

“I’d love to,” she assured them.

Beck claimed her mouth in a slow, sultry kiss. Her lips parted in welcome. Heat jetted through him. His cock thickened.

As he swept inside her mouth and lapped up more watermelon flavor, Seth nipped at her shoulder, skimming his hands down her curves before settling on her hips and pressing himself against her with a groan. A little whimper escaped Heavenly’s throat as she caressed her way up Beck’s shoulders and looped her arms around his neck, her fingers furrowing through his hair.

“How much longer until dinner?” he muttered, breath hot against her lips.

“The stroganoff has to simmer for forty-five minutes,” she whispered.

“Plenty of time.” Beck covered her mouth again and reached blindly into the nearby grocery sack for the strawberries, managing to lift the lid and pluck one out.

“Don’t worry, angel. We won’t make you simmer that long,” Seth promised, cinching his hand in Heavenly’s hair and tugging her head back.

Beck lifted from her lips and watched as Cooper melded his mouth over hers. He wasn’t sure what turned him on more, watching the other man eat at her so voraciously or hearing her kitten-soft moans.

The second Seth lifted from her, Beck tapped the berry to Heavenly’s lips, shuddering with thrill as she sank her teeth into the plump fruit and chewed. He fused his stare to hers as he tossed the stem onto the bag. Her breath caught. The pulse at her neck jumped. The instant she swallowed, he slanted his mouth over hers again and barged deep. As their tongues tangled in the shared juice, his cock lurched and raked his zipper.

Beck eased from her lips and cupped her other breast, slowly brushing his thumb across her pebbled peak. Inwardly, he cursed the clothes between them. He couldn’t wait to undress her and latch his mouth over her sweet, stiff peaks.

“Promise?” she gasped out.

“We have no intention of stopping, little girl.”

“At all,” Seth assured, bending to gather the hem of her dress and lifting it over her head, exposing her one luscious inch at a time—adorable knees, slender thighs, a flare of hips concealed by tiny pink panties, her flat belly with a pronounced inward curve at her waist, and finally her breasts, barely hidden by a matching lace bra.

Beck’s mouth went dry.

Seth groaned. “She needs to be naked.”

“Oh, she does,” he agreed, peeling her panties down her legs and dragging his tongue over her milky flesh.

Cooper unhooked her bra. It flitted down her arms before he took her tits in his palms with a moan of appreciation. Heavenly melted against him, eyes closed.

Beck stood slowly, watching Seth pinch her nipples while nibbling at her neck. The sight scalded his blood. He couldn’t merely watch them anymore. He was dying to touch her, too.

Seizing Heavenly’s nape in his palm, Beck took her lips in a hot, urgent stroke. Their kiss, filled with damp sighs and feverish need, felt like an addicting slide into Shangri-La. But he needed more.


