The Confession – Unbroken – Heavenly Rising Read Online Shayla Black

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 130159 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 651(@200wpm)___ 521(@250wpm)___ 434(@300wpm)

Talk about a dumb fuck…

“You’ve got to get past the friend zone with her first,” Beck pointed out.

“I’m working on it,” Pike muttered.

With a squeal of tires, Jasmine jetted down the street. On the patch of grass in the front yard, Dean and River rolled around, exchanging punches and insults.

“You fucking leave my sister alone!” Dean rammed his fist into River’s kidney.

“I’ll do anything I want with her, shit stain.” River slammed a fist in the cop’s gut. “I know exactly how to make her scream.”

Zach rushed toward Beck. “Shouldn’t you stop them again?”

“We will. In a minute. Clearly, they need to bleed out some of their anger.” Beck spotted a middle-aged brunette striding their way from the house next door. “Shit.”

This was definitely a bad time for Dean and River to meet their new neighbor.

Zach turned and caught sight of the newcomer. “That’s not good.”

“Hang tight. I’ll be right back.” Beck hurried across the driveway, trying his best to shield the brawl with his body while forcing a fake-as-fuck smile. “Hi.”

“Welcome to the neighborhood. I see you’re moving in. I’m—”

“Just because you fucked every one of my little sister’s holes doesn’t give you any right to touch her, cocksucker,” Dean bellowed.

The woman’s eyes nearly popped out of her head as she slapped a hand over her mouth in shock.

“I’m not your new neighbor. They are.” He gestured toward the former friends still beating the hell out of each other, then back to the woman with an apologetic smile. “Sorry.”

“You keep talking about Jasmine like she’s a kid. When I fucked her all night, I more than proved she’s a goddamn adult,” River roared. “Which is more than I can say for you.”

“Excuse me. I’ll just…quiet them down.” Beck darted into the melee to help the others separate the pissed-off pair.

“That’s it. Load your shit back on the truck and find someplace else to live.” Dean shoved at River, who was being pulled away by Beck and Seth.

“And forfeit my half of the down payment for this place?” River scoffed. “Dream on, douchebag. You pack up your shit and get the fuck out.”

“Suck my dick. I’m not leaving.”

“Suck it yourself, asshole. I’m not going anywhere, either,” Raine’s brother snarled.

Dean and River’s friendship—the connection they’d spent years building—was severed for good. There was no coming back from something like this. Worse, how could they possibly coexist in the house they owned together?

“Maybe you should hire a hooker to come suck you both off,” Pike chimed in.

Beck pondered getting the ball gag from the toy bag in his trunk and shoving it in the asshole’s mouth, but the neighbor had probably been shocked enough for one day.

Liam tsked and shook his head before turning toward Pike. “You and River should get on the same page and make friends.”

The two men gaped at each other before turning matching scowls Liam’s way.

“Fuck that shit,” Pike barked.

River wiped the blood from his nose. “That is never going to happen.”

A little smile played at Liam’s lips. “Famous last words…”

Late July

“Buckle up, everyone,” Beck quipped as he climbed into the backseat of Seth’s SUV and secured his seat belt. “A weekend with Gloria in Vegas is always unpredictable, but since she’s decided to get married at the last minute? Expect an epic level of crazy.”

Beck certainly did. He was thrilled his ex-wife and her plumber fiancé were tying the knot…but also a little envious. He was more than ready to begin his future with Seth and Heavenly. Certainly when he’d divorced Gloria to marry his girl, Beck had never anticipated his ex would get hitched first.

Since they’d helped River and Dean move into their place seven weeks ago, he, Seth, and Heavenly had settled into something like domestic bliss. Almost. Sure, they’d all been busy, working and helping Raine, Liam, and Hammer prepare for their coming twins, due in roughly a week. They’d also spent a stupid amount of time refereeing Dean and River’s battles. But they still had two unresolved issues that bugged the hell out of Beck.

First, Seth still hadn’t completely come clean about his past. When he’d asked the PI to explain the holes in his story, he’d ducked, dodged, and changed the subject. Beck hadn’t pried; he could give the guy a little more time. Obviously, Seth’s tragedy had scarred and shaped him. Undoing that would take time. Unfortunately, Beck was getting impatient because he was almost certain that problem fed into the other. Seth still refused to ditch the condoms. Granted, he hadn’t pushed to get Heavenly on the pill…but he wasn’t ready for a family. Beck was—now.

Something had to give.

In front of him, Heavenly buckled up in the passenger’s seat. “I can’t believe she called you yesterday to say she’s getting married on Saturday. Who plans a wedding in three days?”

Beck shrugged. “Gloria.”


