The Confession – Unbroken – Heavenly Rising Read Online Shayla Black

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 130159 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 651(@200wpm)___ 521(@250wpm)___ 434(@300wpm)

“He’s lying to himself. One hundred percent.” Seth nodded.

“Yep,” Beck agreed. “Is Pike getting anywhere with her?”

They both turned to Heavenly, who shrugged. “I know she spent a lot of time with him after the disastrous move-in, but I don’t know if he’s out of the friend zone yet. I didn’t get a chance to ask her before she left on that big cruise with the elderly couple she works for.”

The conversation and the miles whizzed by as the sun sank closer to the horizon in their back windshield. Finally, the iconic, Welcome to Las Vegas sign shimmered in the headlights.

Twenty minutes later, Beck savored the familiar comfort of Gloria’s tight hug. He couldn’t name a time or date when her embrace had gone from inciting teenage lust to a feeling of homecoming. But watching her hug Heavenly and Seth with the same affection warmed his heart.

After Buddy greeted them with bro-hugs and gave Heavenly a friendly squeeze, they each grabbed a cocktail and strolled out onto the patio. Seated by the pool on the thickly padded outdoor sectional, they laughed and talked while the warm desert air kissed Beck’s skin.

“It’s not too hot out here for you guys, is it?” Buddy asked.

“At night, with the overhead fans, it actually feels good,” Seth assured while Beck nodded in agreement. “What made you decide to get married now?”

“You mean when it’s hotter than Satan’s balls?” Gloria grinned.


“Vegas is never unbusy, and we got tired of waiting.” She shrugged.

“Besides, we don’t plan on being out in the heat for long,” Buddy agreed. “Just into the chapel so Elvis can marry us, then out again before coming back here to celebrate.”

“That sounds perfect. I can’t wait.” Heavenly flashed her warmest smile, complete with dimples.

“We can’t, either.” Gloria looked at Buddy with love in her eyes.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Heavenly asked.

“No, honey, but thanks.” Gloria pinned Beck with a weighty glance. “Kenneth?”

That had him sitting up a little straighter. “Yeah?”

“I have a favor to ask.”

He couldn’t imagine what, but… “Anything. What is it, sweetheart?”

Her eyes filled with tears. Then her voice quivered. “Would you walk me down the aisle?”

Him? The honor blindsided Beck. Memories of their years together flipped through his brain like pages of a scrapbook. She’d offered to take him in—three square meals and a roof over his head in exchange for protection from sometimes vicious johns—but she’d helped him heal from years of neglect and mental abuse. Gloria was one of the good ones, and Beck knew if she hadn’t saved him, he’d either be dead or still searching for his place in this world, like Zach.

When he didn’t answer right away, she laughed nervously. “Come on, Kenneth, most of my clients would love to give their wives away, even their exes.”

He laughed. “I won’t give you away if it means losing you, sweetheart. But I’d be thrilled to walk you down the aisle and give you to Buddy so you two can live happily ever after.”

“Thank you.” Her voice cracked. “I thought you’d say yes, if only to make sure the old ball and chain became someone else’s problem.”

Beck squeezed her hand. “You were never a ball and chain, and you never have to thank me. It’s my honor.”

Buddy wrapped his bride-to-be in his arms. “Aww, baby. Come here…”

Seth clapped Beck on the back while Heavenly sat between them with a loving smile. It was almost a perfect moment. All he lacked to be sublimely happy was for Seth to commit to a future and a family with him and Heavenly. The guy couldn’t hold out much longer, right?

After dabbing at her misty eyes, Gloria sat up, gulped her wine, and smiled. “Now that we’ve gotten the important stuff out of the way, let’s talk about the bachelor and bachelorette parties tomorrow night.”

Bachelorette party?

All the warm fuzzies floating through Beck’s system dissipated. Even though Seth flanked Heavenly, Beck felt Cooper tense palpably. A quick glance at the apprehension lining his face told Beck they were on the same page. It was a hell no from them both.

“Aren’t you two a little…” He wracked his brain for a tactful way to decline. If he couldn’t find one, Gloria would only dig her heels in deeper.

“Don’t you dare say old, Kenneth.” She scowled.

“Mature, then.” He smirked.

“To have fun? Just because we’re not in our twenties and not having a traditional wedding, why shouldn’t we celebrate?” She smiled and reached for Heavenly’s hand. “And you, my dear, will be my special guest of honor.”

As Heavenly’s face lit up with excitement, apprehension twisted his gut. Beck didn’t even have to look at Seth. He could feel panic rolling off the PI.

“Where is the bachelorette party?” Beck somehow managed to sound calm.

“That’s what I’d like to know.” Seth’s question came out more like a growl.


