The Kindred Warrior’s Captive Bride Read online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 119
Estimated words: 113058 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 565(@200wpm)___ 452(@250wpm)___ 377(@300wpm)

“It’s all right, my Lord,” Lan’ara murmured rather breathlessly. “I don’t…don’t mind.”

“Don’t mind if I poke you all night?” He sounded skeptical. “That can’t be comfortable for you, girl.”

“But it can’t be comfortable for you to sleep in such an awkward position,” she protested. “Come, my Lord, why do you not press against me again? I could…could part my thighs so you could rest between them,” she added. He was certainly long enough to make such a position eminently feasible.

“Well…” He seemed to be considering her solution. “I really shouldn’t…”

“But I think it would help keep me warm,” Lan’ara told him, which was the truth. It seemed that the closer the big Kindred was, the warmer she was. When he started drawing away, she began to feel chilled again. “You do have on your sleep trousers,” she pointed out.

“That’s true,” he acknowledged gruffly and let out another growling sigh. “All right, then. Part your thighs for me, girl.”

Lan’ara felt a thrill of desire run through her at his command. If only he was asking me to part for him for another reason, whispered a little voice in her head. Unbidden, the image of his long, thick shaft thrusting deep in her tight pussy filled her head.

No, she scolded herself. If he did that, Senator Pouncenblast would never want me. I must not wish for things I cannot have—things that are bad for me.

But bad or not, when she felt the big Kindred’s thick shaft sliding between her thighs, she couldn’t suppress a little moan of pleasure. His sleep trousers were so thin and silky they hardly seemed there at all. She could feel the broad, plum-shaped head of his cock pressing against her pussy lips, almost as though he was demanding entrance.

Biting her lip and knowing she ought not to do it, but unable to help herself, Lan’ara slipped her fingers down between her legs and parted her outer pussy lips. That way, when the big Kindred pushed a little closer, trying to get comfortable with his shaft between her legs, the broad crown of his cock rubbed directly against her slick inner petals and the throbbing button of her clit.

Lan’ara bit back a moan and tried not to move, but she couldn’t help shifting—just a little—so that he rubbed against her again. She had an idea that her pussy honey was leaking all over his sleep trousers and possibly making them wet but she couldn’t seem to care at that moment. Her whole attention had been reduced down to the spot between her legs where Need was rubbing against her so intimately.

But though she tried to be quiet and still, her arousal clearly couldn’t be hidden from the big Kindred.

“Gods, girl,” he murmured in her ear. “I can feel how hot and wet you are.”

“Can’t…can’t seem to help it, my Lord,” Lan’ara admitted breathlessly. “But I’ll try to be still, I swear it. Can…can you sleep like this, do you think?”

“Possibly.” He sounded doubtful. “The question is, can you? I seem to be, uh, poking you in a pretty sensitive area.”

He drew his hips back and pressed forward again, which caused the broad head of his shaft to rub against her swollen clit once more.

This time Lan’ara couldn’t hold back the moan which spilled from her lips.

“Yes, my Lord,” she whispered. “You…you are. But I don’t mind.”

“You more than don’t mind,” he growled softly. “I can feel how your little pussy is soaking my sleep trousers with your honey.”

Fear shot through her—he would be angry with her! He would pull away and leave her to the painful desire and the chills which ravaged her body when he was too far away.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “I don’t…don’t mean to…to make so much honey, as I said before.”

“And as I said before, you can’t help it, girl. You’re a numalla, that’s all,” he told her. “And I’ll bet your pussy isn’t the only place you’re leaking, is it?”

“My Lord?” she asked uncertainly.


One big hand slipped beneath the hem of her sleep shirt and slid up to cup the sensitive mounds of her breasts. Lan’ara moaned again as she felt him stroke her sensitive tips, which were indeed wet with the sticky-sweet nectar.

“Just as I thought,” Need growled as he tugged gently at her tight peaks. “When the honey flows between your legs, so does the nectar from your breasts.”

“Please, my Lord, I think it might have something to do with what the Trollox called my ‘Ripening.’ I don’t know what that means, but it’s all I can think of.”

He sighed. “You could be right. Do you think it has to do with the shots you said they gave you back at that academy you went to?”

“It’s possible,” Lan’ara admitted. “I know I never had any of these…these problems before. I don’t understand what’s happening to me and…” She bit her lip. “And it’s frightening,” she finished in a whisper.


