The Kindred Warrior’s Captive Bride Read online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 119
Estimated words: 113058 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 565(@200wpm)___ 452(@250wpm)___ 377(@300wpm)

And he gave her what she needed.

The delicious friction of his shaft against her clit pushed her to the peak again and again. Lan’ara cried out as waves of pleasure washed over her, drenching her in hot, tingling sensations and then coming back for more. She got so slick between her thighs she was certain Need would slip into her at any moment but somehow he managed not to.

The big Kindred seemed to understand that she was coming for he kept up a steady rhythm to help her and continued to tug at her nipples, heightening her sensations even as she came on his shaft again and again.

At last, however, it became apparent he couldn’t hold off much longer.

“Gods, girl,” he growled in her ear. “I’m close now—so damn close. Going to come for you—going to spurt my seed all over your belly. It’s probably going to make a hell of a mess.”

At his words, Lan’ara’s mouth—which had felt fine all this time—was suddenly dry as a bone again. His seed—he was going to shoot his seed all over her and get the both of them all sticky. She swallowed and felt that dry click in her throat once more.

The Thirst, she thought deliriously. It’s the Thirst!

And suddenly she knew what she had to do.

Quick as a wink, she detached herself from the big Kindred and turned to dive under the covers.

“Hey, what—?” he began.

But before he could finish, Lan’ara was between his legs, gripping the thick shaft in one hand and bringing it to her lips.

“What in the Seven Hells do you think you’re doing?” he demanded, throwing back the covers to look down at her.

Lan’ara felt a surge of shame at her own behavior. What was she doing? Why was she acting in this wanton, reckless manner? But somehow she couldn’t help herself. Her throat was as dry as dust and she needed to do this.

“Please, my Lord,” she managed to get out. “Please just let me suck you. I…I’m so thirsty all of a sudden!”

“Thirsty, are you?”

He looked at her, clearly perplexed, and then Lan’ara swirled her tongue around the broad head of his shaft and he groaned.

“Gods, girl—you don’t really mean you want to drink my seed?”

That was exactly what she meant—exactly what she needed.

“Please,” she whispered again, looking up at him pleadingly. “Please, my Lord.” And then she ran her tongue around the broad head once more, lapping hungrily at the pearl of salty precum that had formed there.

“Gods…” He shook his head. “You really want me to come in your mouth? Want me to spurt my seed down your throat as you swallow my load?”

“Gods and Goddesses, yes,” Lan’ara whispered, unable to help herself. “That’s exactly what I want, my Lord! What I need.”

“Shouldn’t do this,” he muttered. “Getting in deeper and deeper.”

But he didn’t try stop her when Lan’ara sucked the head of his shaft into her mouth. She could taste her own honey on him, mixed with his salty precum, and it was delicious. Thirsty for more, she began to pump him, stroking his thick shaft with her hand to make him come.

Once Need believed that she really wanted this, it didn’t take long. With a long, low groan, he at last allowed himself to reach the peak.

Lan’ara felt his entire body tense and his rigid shaft grew even bigger and harder for a moment until it felt like she was stroking a bar of heated iron. Then, he pressed up between her lips and she felt the first hot spurt of his seed hitting the back of her throat.

Just as she had thought, it seemed to be exactly what she was craving. As she eagerly swallowed spurt after spurt of the big Kindred’s seed, the awful Thirst was at last satiated and finally she felt better.

But she wasn’t the only one getting relief.

“Ah, Gods, girl,” Need groaned hoarsely, his hands gentle in her hair even as he pumped his seed down her throat. “So good. So Goddess-damned good.”

He came for a long time, and Lan’ara swallowed every drop. When he was done, she sucked the broad head to be certain she’d gotten it all and then curled with a contented sigh against his broad chest.

“Better now, girl?” he asked, his voice hoarse with the aftermath of passion.

“Yes, my Lord,” Lan’ara whispered. “The Thirst is satiated. Thank you.”

“Just wish I could return the favor.” He yawned deeply. “Gods, I should be more upset about this but I’m so damn tired now…”

Lan’ara knew she ought to be more upset too. She had just acted like a common hoyden, rubbing against him and sucking him off like that! But she, too, was suddenly inexpressibly weary. She could barely keep her eyes open.

“Let’s go to sleep,” she suggested and yawned as well. “We can be…be upset about it tomorrow.”


