The Kindred Warrior’s Captive Bride Read online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 119
Estimated words: 113058 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 565(@200wpm)___ 452(@250wpm)___ 377(@300wpm)

“Suppose we can.” He sighed and gathered her closer to him. “To keep you warm,” he said.

Lan’ara sighed happily and snuggled against his side, pressing her face to his chest and breathing in his addictive, masculine scent. Goddess, he smelled so good! And his big, hard body against hers made her feel safe and loved—even though she knew it was only an illusion.

But still, might he not decide to keep her, after all? Though she knew she shouldn’t, she couldn’t help thinking that life with Need—if he could learn to love her—would be much nicer than life with the elderly Senator.

No, don’t think like that, she told herself. He doesn’t really want you—he’s just helping you get through this strange “Ripening” whatever it is.

But still, it felt wonderful to be so safe and secure in his muscular arms. And could it really hurt just to fantasize that the big Kindred might decide to keep her?

Before she could answer that question, Lan’ara had drifted off to sleep with her head pillowed on his broad chest and his arms wrapped firmly around her.

For the first time in days she felt safe. Safe and secure and cared for and she wished it would never end.


Need woke with a female in his arms for the first time in over ten cycles.

But he didn’t think about that at first. He only thought about how good she felt against him—how her full breasts rubbed against his side when she breathed and how she had thrown one leg over his thighs in an act of unconscious possession that felt somehow right—as though she was claiming him as her own.

A wave of tenderness washed over him. Gods, it felt good to hold her! Still half-asleep, he cradled the curvy form against his own, loving the feel of her softness again his own muscular body and inhaling her warm, feminine scent.

He hadn’t felt this good since waking up with Cleah, he thought sleepily. Holding her in his arms as the two of them met the morning light together…

But the memory of his long-dead mate seemed to jog something inside him.

Cleah! This girl isn’t Cleah—she’s a slave girl you bought yesterday, his waking mind informed him. A girl you’re getting too damn close to, Need!

Abruptly, he sat up, untangling his limbs from hers, and moved to sit on the edge of the bed. Shame washed over him. He had defiled his mate’s memory and had broken his vow never to be close to a female again.

You didn’t just break it once, either, whispered an accusing little voice in his head. You broke it multiple times, Need. First you healed her with your essence, then you touched her in the sonic shower, then you rubbed against her until she came all over your shaft and then, to top it all off, you let her suck you and drink your seed. What in the Seven Hells were you thinking?

Need had no idea, but he did know he had to get his mind right immediately. If he didn’t, he was in real danger of falling for the curvy little slave girl he’d bought so unwillingly. He had to take steps to get rid of her—now.

He got up abruptly and headed for the door—only to be stopped by the sound of her voice.

“My Lord Need?” She sounded sleepy but also worried. When he turned his head to look at her, he saw that her gold-flecked eyes were wide and uncertain. “Is everything all right?” she asked.

“Fine, girl.” Need found he couldn’t look at her. She was too tempting, still tangled in the covers. The undershirt he had given her to sleep in had pulled down, showing the creamy curves of her breasts. The memory of sucking her nipples the day before made his shaft ache.

“Are you well?” she asked softly. “Are you…are you angry with me?”

More like angry with myself for my weakness, Need thought.

“Of course not, girl,” he said roughly. “Why would I be angry?”

“I just thought…”

She trailed off and he looked at her again, to see her biting her lush lower lip. Gods, she was lovely! And her scent was so sweet and enticing—calling him to her, begging for his touch even when she didn’t say anything aloud.

In that moment he wanted nothing more than to go and take her in his arms. To touch her and taste her again. To reassure her that nothing was wrong.

Except everything was wrong.

Have to get out of here, Need told himself. Have to go now, before I lose my self control and go to her.

“I must check our course headings,” he said abruptly. “You can go back to sleep if you want. Or if you’re hungry, you know the way to the food prep area. The supplies in the cold storage unit are all communal unless they have someone’s name on them. Same for the pantry.”


