The Three Kings (Forsaken #3) Read Online Penelope Sky

Categories Genre: Dark, Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, New Adult, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Forsaken Series by Penelope Sky

Total pages in book: 119
Estimated words: 116396 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 582(@200wpm)___ 466(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

“A couple weeks from now, we might all be dead,” Ian deadpanned.

“It’s still better that it’s attached instead of not attached,” I said. “Who knows what the future holds.”

“I’ll return as soon as I can,” Bastian said. “I’ll only stop to sleep when absolutely necessary. I know we don’t have a lot of time.”

Ian still looked annoyed. “When you return with your twelve men, how do we know it won’t be a coup?”

Bastian was quiet for a long time. “If you still suspect me after everything that’s happened, there’s nothing more I can say, and I’d rather not waste my time. Now open the gate so I can depart.”

Ian stared him down for a while before he nodded to his men. Then he walked off.

The gates creaked as they started to open, and slowly, the walls parted wide enough for Bastian to pass through.

Bastian stared at the open gates before he turned back to me.

“I wish I could come with you.”

“This is where you belong, Elora. With your people.”

“You’re my people too, Bastian.”

He stared for a while longer before he hooked his strong arms around my body and embraced me harder. “Even if I lose my life with what’s to come, the destruction of Necrosis will still bring me joy. So, if we don’t see each other again…kill them all. Kill them for me.”

I latched on to him tightly and didn’t want to let go. “You have to come back to me, okay?”

“I’ll do my best.” He pulled away, his arms still around my back. “Slay Necrosis, Elora. Slay every single one without mercy.” He moved farther away, forcing the contact to end.

I moved into him again and pressed a kiss to his mouth.

He was hesitant at first because we had an audience, but he didn’t reject my affection. He kissed me back then abruptly let me go. His hands gripped the reins of his horse, and he walked out the gates, never looking back to see me one last time.

I worked in my shop, making compounded arrows for the archers. I didn’t move at my usual speed, my broken heart slowing me down. Once I made another, I added it to the barrel in my forge, making each one individually. If the archers could kill waves of Necrosis before they even reached the gates, that could turn the war. Might even end it if we had enough. If only those Ice plants produced more frequently.

The door opened, and Ian walked inside.

I’d just dropped an arrow into the barrel and taken off my gloves. “What brings you here?”

He held up the scroll. “A message from Huntley.”

My mood immediately perked right up. “He’s alright?”

“Both he and Ivory survived.”

“Did they take the Kingdoms?”


A full-on grin moved over my face. “Huntley is so badass. King Rutherford?”

“Dead. Haldir was there.”

“The First King?” The blood immediately drained from my face. “Did he kill him?”

“No. He took off. But Huntley said it was the most challenging fight of his life. Warned me not to underestimate the kings if I come into contact with any of them. One of their dragons was about to burn him alive, but Ivory got there first with Pyre.”

“Thank the gods…”


“Now what?”

“He said they’re going to lower as many men as they can with the pulley system they repaired in Delacroix. While that’s happening, they’re going to fly to the Teeth and try to coerce them to aid in the battle against Necrosis.”

“Really?” I asked. “I doubt the Teeth would ever help us.”

“But I don’t think they’ll have a choice when two dragons can burn their entire city.”


“Depending on when they sent this letter, all of that may already be in motion.”

“That also means that Haldir left the Capital already…”

Ian nodded. “I’m sure he’s returned to Necrosis by now. That means that we can expect them any time—literally.”

I got the chills. “At least we know the dragons are coming.”

“Just hope they come soon enough.” He put the scroll back into his pocket. “How are things here?”

“I’ve used nearly all the reserves of Ice. But I’ve made a lot of good stuff. The arrows are potent, so they’ll kill a Necrosis in one shot. Our best soldiers will have compounded swords, so they’ll be able to slice through Necrosis like stalks of wheat. Even if we’re outnumbered, we have the upper hand.”

Ian nodded. “I’d say we have this battle in the bag…except for one problem.”


“The Three Kings can fly.”

Necrosis was already hard enough to defeat, with the strength of five men in one, but now our opponents could also fly. The only beings that could challenge them were Pyre and Storm. “Shit… Forgot about that.”

Ian fell into one of the chairs, his thick body hanging heavily. “I hate the wait. I just want it to be over with. Whether we win or lose, I just want it to end.” He rubbed his fingers across his jawline. “Necrosis has been our enemy since I can remember. Hard to imagine a life where that’s not the case.”


