Whiskey Throttle Read online Riley Hart (Fever Falls #3)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 81272 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 406(@200wpm)___ 325(@250wpm)___ 271(@300wpm)

I laughed and felt his body vibrate like it echoed into him. “We’re not getting drunk. Whiskey throttle’s when a rider gives the bike too much throttle. They sort of go out of control, usually making their ass slip off the back of the seat, which pulls their arm, making them give the bike more throttle. They then go even more out of control. I don’t want to lose control with you, so if we need to ease off the gas a bit, we can.” It was the last thing I wanted, but I also needed this to be right for Linc.

“I don’t want to slow down with you,” he admitted, and I knew what it took for him to say that. He was saying I meant something to him, that he needed this…needed me, and that knowledge landed straight in my chest.

“I don’t want to slow down with you either. So we just talk to each other and we’re honest.”

“What? No dirt bike comparison?” he teased.

“We watch out for the ruts? Be sure not to case the jumps? Find your line and hold it?”

“How about don’t fucking crash?”

Laughing again, I kissed the top of his head. “We won’t crash, Red.”

“I can’t believe I’m dating a sports guy and we just talked about our relationship in motocross terms.”

“Awesome, isn’t it?” I teased.

Linc was quiet a moment, then kissed my chest. “Yes.” He pulled away, slid down my body, and took my shorts off. “You’re not naked. There’s a naked rule, Rush. You have to be naked when we’re in bed together. We should try to be naked as much as possible.”

“I like that rule.”

Linc lay down between my legs, his cheek against my stomach. “You flinched when Dean asked you about your dad, and the tone of your voice changed. And I saw you ignore his call at dinner.”

“We were eating. I would have ignored any call.”

“You’re not the emotionally stunted one in this relationship, baby. Isn’t that the whole find-your-line-and-hold-it thing?”

Steady. I’d always been known for that. “Well, I’m hoping you don’t stay in that line our whole relationship.” But I knew he was right. Plus, the more I shared with him, the more Linc would open up to me. “It’s nothing new. I told you about the cheating and everything. You know my mom. How can anyone hurt her?”

“I agree. She’s…she’s the best, but he’s still your dad. That won’t change, and neither will your past with him. He’s such a huge part of who you are as a motocross rider. I could hear it when you spoke about him training with you and the sacrifices he made.”

“What about the sacrifices she made? She dropped out of college to raise me, sacrificed her dreams, took a back seat to dirt bikes because she loved us, and that’s how he repays her?” My whole body went tense, my good hand tightening into a fist.

“Hey.” He kissed my stomach. “I’m on your side. No matter what.” Stuck his tongue in my belly button. “You’re always telling me you’re here if I need to talk, and I want you to know I’m here too.” He sucked the head of my soft cock into his mouth, and I bowed off the bed. “You’re hurt…not riding…and you learned some devastating news. I’m sure riding’s an escape. I’m sorry you don’t have it right now.”

He was right. I wanted to lose myself on a bike so badly, I could taste it. Wanted to feel the bike vibrate beneath me. Wanted that familiar braaap to echo through my head. “I’ll get riding back. It sucks, but I’ll be okay, and hey, at least I have you to ride.”

“Oooh. Kinky. Yes, you do.”

Linc lowered himself, sucked my balls into his mouth, told me how much he loved the way I smelled. Then he sucked me deep until I came, calling out his name, shooting my load down his throat.



Lincoln says he’ll take me to a drag show when I’m better. I can’t imagine a world where I’m able to do things like that. ~ Trey

“It’s Saturgay, bitches!” I raised my arms and shouted as I walked down the sidewalk on Fever Street with Rush, Beau, Ash, Camden, and Sawyer.

Camden teased, “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m feeling a sense of déjà vu…like maybe someone has said those exact same words, while we walked down this exact same street, on the same day of the week, while we were heading to the same place.”

“Are you sure?” Sawyer asked.

“I feel as if I’ve heard it like, once a month.” Beau scratched his head.

“I hate you! I hate you all, but I’m not going to let you ruin my night!” I danced along the sidewalk as we approached Fever, the best gay bar in the gayborhood. As far as I knew, no one outside of Beau knew Rush and I were together now. We’d been lying low since my nightmare, but spending nearly every day together. Even if it was just after work or him stopping by to have lunch with me at the hospital when his mom or Jude took him to therapy. I knew it was making Rush crazy not to be able to drive himself around, but he was taking everything in stride. That was just who Rush was.


