Wicked Choice Read Online Sawyer Bennett (The Wicked Horse Vegas #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Wicked Horse Vegas Series by Sawyer Bennett

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 71348 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 357(@200wpm)___ 285(@250wpm)___ 238(@300wpm)

“Doctor said you were cleared, right?” he asks, although he knows this is so. Dr. Anchors wrote a letter to Dr. McCullough, and it’s in my employment file.

I nod. “And I feel fantastic. Except for a little nausea. As long as I stash some saltines in my duffel when we leave, it will be fine.”

“Then there’s no need to worry,” he says lightly.

None, I think to myself. Other than the fact I’ve had a miscarriage before.

Dr. Anchors spent a lot of time telling me that meant nothing. He said most miscarriages are a one-time thing, and the majority of women go on to have healthy pregnancies after.

I feel guilty because I’ve made a conscious decision not to tell Bodie about my miscarriage. I didn’t feel it relevant after talking privately to Dr. Anchors, and I did it for a very selfish reason. I knew that Bodie would have increased worry if he knew. He might even fight me on going out on missions.

So, I chose to keep that to myself and hope and pray for the best that this baby will continue to stay healthy and the pregnancy will be normal. There’s going to be a time soon where I won’t be able to go out on missions, so I want to take every opportunity to do so.

I hope that doesn’t make me a bad person, but I still have to preserve some part of myself because when this is all said and done, I’m going to lose a big part of me.



There’s a slight crackle of static in my earpiece before Benji’s voice comes across. “We have a potential hostile bearing 325 at four nautical miles on course 180 at fifty knots. I want the team on the port side.”

“Shit,” I mutter, but then state louder into the thin wire microphone that runs from my earpiece, along the bottom of my cheekbone and ends just before the corner of my mouth, “Roger that.”

The fact Benji has us moving to one side of the ship tells me that whatever they see on radar is of a size that worries them.

Not a big boat.

A smaller vessel that’s traveling at a high rate of speed toward us.

If these are pirates, they are in for a huge surprise when they get in range. The Thai shipping company that hired us for security has wised up after two of their tankers have been robbed in the last seven months. They’ve equipped their ships with expensive radars and badass security professionals with very big guns.

This type of piracy is very sophisticated and has become a major criminal enterprise in Asia. Vessels like the one we’re on with a low freeboard—the distance that separates the surface of the water from the top deck—makes it easy for a band of pirates to stealthily board an unsuspecting ship. Once the crew is overpowered and communications disabled, a larger boat is brought in to siphon off the black gold.

Bad news for the pirates. This tanker isn’t so unsuspecting anymore.

I make it to the port side, noting Kara is already stationed at one of two Browning fifty caliber machine guns we have temporarily mounted on each side of the ship. She nods at me while double checking the ammunition belt, which is equipped with tracers so the pirates can see the bullets coming in the dark of the night.

My adrenaline spikes, and a pleasantly antsy feeling makes my heart beat a little faster. These are the situations I love best when I’m working with The Jameson Group.

I turn away from Kara and head toward the bow, where another gun is mounted. Merrit will be on that one. I’ll patrol in between with my night-vision goggles, reporting to Benji who is in the control room with the captain.

A door to my left bursts open, startling me for a moment before I realize it’s Rachel. She’s got her M27 automatic rifle strapped over her shoulder and a pistol holstered at her hip. She looks bright eyed, even though I know she was sleeping soundly not fifteen minutes ago when I did a quick check on her. She’s on day shift and I’m on night, so we’ve not seen each other much the last two days.

“What are you doing up here?” I ask.

“I heard Benji on the comms. Figured I’d come lend a hand. Sal and Cage are coming up, too.”

“We’ve got it covered,” I tell her curtly.

Her chin jerks inward, and she blinks at me in surprise. “You got it covered? Since when does any teammate refuse another’s help?”

“Since we have two Browning’s that we’ll unload on them before they can get anywhere close to this ship,” I tell her confidently. “Once they realize we’re armed, they’re going to turn tail and run.”

Rachel narrows her eyes somewhat. “If that’s the case,” she says slowly as she removes her rifle from her back and sets it against the wall. “No sense in me lugging this around. But I think I’ll just stay and watch for funsies.”


