Wicked Choice Read Online Sawyer Bennett (The Wicked Horse Vegas #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Wicked Horse Vegas Series by Sawyer Bennett

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 71348 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 357(@200wpm)___ 285(@250wpm)___ 238(@300wpm)

Rachel’s eyes go from glacial blue to a dark indigo. She sucks in a harsh breath in between her nostrils, pulling her bottom lip in between her teeth. Rolling toward me, she starts to stroke my cock and I let my hold on her hand go.

“That’s not pregnancy hormones,” I murmur, holding back a groan of appreciation as she jacks me. “That’s all you, wanting to get me off.”

She doesn’t argue.

Just rolls further into me so she can press her lips to the base of my throat. She kisses and licks at me, all the while stroking my dick with the perfect amount of pressure and speed. I’ve never been one for hand jobs. Rather have a mouth on me, but fuck if this doesn’t feel just as good as when she was just fucking me.

And I’m not ashamed to admit that.

It’s all Rachel.

My cock goes fully hard and in no time, Rachel’s jerking me frantically. My balls tighten with an impending orgasm, and without any real thought, I bat Rachel’s hand away. I roll on top of her, take my cock in hand, and shove it inside of her still-wet pussy.

She screams, clawing at my back, and I explode inside of her. My head drops to her shoulder, and I groan deeply as I fill her back up again. I can’t get her any more pregnant than she is, but fuck if I don’t like my cum inside of her.

I roll back off, flop to my back, and take some deep breaths to get my heart rate back under control. She’s the one who now rolls toward me, elbow to mattress and head in her hand.

She grins down at me in triumph. “That was hot as hell.”

“You give excellent hand jobs,” I tell her with a return smirk.

“I like you coming inside of me,” she says, her voice going soft and breathy. Her hand strokes down my chest, to my stomach, and finally grazes along my softening dick that I’m pretty sure will be dead for a while. Still, I love the touch of her on me, even if it’s just with post-fucking affection.

“You ready for our visit next week?” she asks, and all thoughts of sex are forgotten.

Exactly a week from today, we see Dr. Anchors as Rachel will be close to the end of her first trimester. I had been tentatively scheduled to do security detail for a politician flying into Vegas, but Kynan easily replaced me so I could go with Rachel.

“I am.” I cover her hand with mine, pulling it up to hold against my chest. I turn to face her on the bed. “But nothing fun is going to happen.”

Rachel laughs. I’m going crazy waiting for the first ultrasound, but that won’t happen until she’s at least sixteen weeks. Dr. Anchors didn’t think it was medically necessary on her first visit since she was in such great health with no risk factors other than her age of thirty-five.

“We have to decide if we want to do the amniocentesis,” she says as she glances down to where our hands are interlocked. I expect her to pull away from me at any time, because Rachel’s never been big into affection or post-coitus snuggling.

She doesn’t, though.

“You have to decide,” I say with emphasis. “That’s totally up to you. Fuck if I’d want a damn needle stuck in my belly like that.”

Giving my hand a squeeze, she says, “I’d do it if you want me to. I think he said the time to do it would be between fourteen and sixteen weeks.”

Her eyes search mine, perhaps trying to discern my true feelings, but I know what they are. “It isn’t necessary, Rachel. Even if it showed abnormalities, I’d still want the baby.”

A tenderness I’d never seen before takes over her entire face, and her hand squeezes mine again but doesn’t relax. It grips me tightly, and her smile is soft. “Yeah… I know that about you. You’d want the baby no matter what. But would you like to know so we can be prepared?”

I don’t bother pointing out to her that she said “we” instead of “you”. She almost makes it sound like a team effort after the birth, but I think that was merely a slip of her tongue.

However, she brings up a good point. If we knew there was a problem ahead of time, we could at least be better prepared to welcome him or her into the world.

So the baby could have every need met.

“Maybe we should,” I muse.

“We should,” she says confidently. “I don’t like the unknown.”



I pull my shirt down before running my fingers through my wet hair, which is the most attention it will get right now. Besides, it always looks best when I just let it naturally dry.

After putting my sweat-soaked clothes in my gym duffel, I close my locker and rotate the combo. Only thing left is to put on fresh socks and my tennis shoes, and then I have to head across town to meet Bodie at Dr. Anchors’ office.


