Wicked Choice Read Online Sawyer Bennett (The Wicked Horse Vegas #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Wicked Horse Vegas Series by Sawyer Bennett

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 71348 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 357(@200wpm)___ 285(@250wpm)___ 238(@300wpm)

The decision is taken out of my hands when Bodie abruptly removes his hand and rises from his chair. He takes me by the hand and pulls me roughly around the table, walking swiftly toward the exit door.

“Get it, Bodie,” someone calls out from the table behind us. Sal maybe?

I have no clue where he’s taking me, but wherever it is, I hope it’s not far. We leave The Apartment, walk to the end of the hall, and then hang a left followed by an immediate right down the hall to The Silo.

My favorite room.

We don’t even make it to the interior once we enter, instead cutting down the back perimeter hall that leads to the entrances to the glassed-in room.

He pushes open the first door we come to, and I’m surprised to see a couple rolling on a silk-covered mattress. They’re partially dressed, so they must have just gotten started. There are a few people sitting on a couch in front of the glass wall looking in, idly sipping wine and talking while the action unfolds.

The couple raise their heads… a man and a woman who look to be in their mid-thirties. They smile at us in invitation, but Bodie shuts that shit down quickly.

“I’ll give you a thousand bucks each if you vacate this room immediately,” he growls.

Neither hesitate, rolling right off the mattress and gathering their discarded shirts.

Bodie reaches into his back pocket, and pulls his wallet out. He pulls a credit card out and hands it to the guy. “Go have some drinks at the bar on me. I’ll find you in a bit and make arrangements to get you paid.”

“You got it,” the guy says with a grin as he grabs the card in one hand and his woman in the other.

In moments, we’re left alone in the room.

I watch as Bodie walks confidently over to the glass wall. With a tug on a silk rope with a tassel, he closes the heavy gray curtains so no one can see in.

“Want privacy now, huh?” I ask as he turns to look at me.

“Gave enough of a show already,” he says as he walks back to me.

Stalks me rather.

I feel hunted, and it turns me on.

I’m not sure how it happens, but Bodie and I land on the mattress. His mouth is on me, his hands pulling at my clothes. Rolling around, we kiss, grope, and get naked. His hand goes back between my legs, and he hums low in his throat when he finds me just as wet for him.

He flips me on my back, spreading my legs by pushing his in between. Fisting his hard cock in one hand, he presses it to my pussy and starts to fill me up. I raise my legs, spreading myself further, and my hands go to his chest for leverage. I tilt my hips to suck him in, and in a fluidly beautiful move, he’s got his pelvis pressed to mine.

Bodie then does something so sweetly intimate. He lays his body fully on mine, pressing his weight down onto me. His hands come to mine, fingers intertwining, and he raises my arms above my head.

I get a soft kiss from him, then he nuzzles my neck as he starts to move slowly inside of me. My hands grip his tight as I lock my ankles at his lower back. His back hunches slightly so he can get a better angle, and then he’s driving into me with slow strokes that go impossibly deep. After he plunges to the hilt, he grinds against me and my clit becomes absolutely engorged.

It takes no time at all before I’m hovering on the brink in pure ecstasy. Bodie’s movements never get faster, but instead become more deliberate. A slow fucking meant to consume us both. His breath is hot against my neck as he whispers, “Want you to come for me, Rachel.”

My name crosses his lips as he punches his hips deep, and I splinter apart with a hoarse cry of abandonment. Bodie groans in appreciation, goes still inside of me, and then lifts his head up to stare at me while he orgasms.

The veins stick out in his temples, and the muscles in his throat go tight as he shudders in my arms. He keeps his eyes locked onto me the entire time he releases in me, and I don’t know that I’ve ever felt closer to a human being in my life.

When he’s empty, Bodie drops his forehead to mine. “Fuck, that was good.”

“The best,” I murmur in reply as my fingers play gently with the hair at the nape of his neck.

“Was that awkward in The Apartment?” he asks, lifting so I can look into his eyes again.

“You mean you finger fucking me in front of our coworkers?” I ask with a grin. “Yeah… a little. I mean, no one in Jameson has ever fucked around before and in such a public manner.”


