Wrapped Up in You Read Online Nikki Ash

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 76364 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 382(@200wpm)___ 305(@250wpm)___ 255(@300wpm)

With my fingertips, I part her lips and push two fingers into her warmth, making her moan loudly. When I pull back, she swings her gaze to me.

“Be quiet so we don’t wake up Jordan.”

“She won’t wake up.”

“I’m not risking it.” I push my fingers back inside her hole. “You make a noise, I stop. You want to come, be quiet.” Despite her glare, her walls clench around my digits, telling me she likes this game.

I go back to fucking her slowly and deeply, and she stays quiet, until I find her G-spot. And then she groans. It’s not loud, but I can hear it, so I retreat my fingers.

“Pierce!” she whisper-yells.

“Are you going to be quiet?”

I trace the outline of her pussy with the pads of my fingers, and she stifles a moan.

“Yes, please, I’ll be quiet,” she whispers.

“Good girl.”

My fingers penetrate her once again, and she covers her mouth with the pillow to silence her moans.

“Nuh-uh,” I taunt. “I want to see you come all over my fingers.”

She lifts her face and glares, but it quickly morphs into a look of pleasure when my thumb lands on her clit. “Yes, right there,” she begs.

Even though that counts as making a noise, I love that she’s telling me what she likes, so I let it go, continuing to massage her clit. When her orgasm hits, it’s hard, and her entire body tightens. I’m watching her, so I see her mouth open as her pussy grips my fingers, and she comes silently, making me wish I could hear her scream.

When she’s come down from her high, I assume she’s standing to get cleaned up, so I’m taken aback when she grabs the blanket and throws it over us with one hand, finding my dick with the other.

“What are you doing?” I whisper dumbly.

“About to make you come…quietly.”

With a flirty wink, she goes about giving me the best damn hand job of my life. I’m close to blowing my load when she dives under the blanket and shocks the hell out of me by taking me into her mouth. Her wet lips have just wrapped around the head of my cock when I explode into her mouth, a low growl crawling its way up my throat and threatening to come out.

When she lifts her head back up, she smiles sweetly then licks her now-plump lips.

“That was…unexpected,” I rasp, making her laugh.

“Didn’t want to get the blanket dirty.” She shrugs, and I chuckle at her playfulness, loving this side of her.

“Get up here and kiss me.” I pull her into my lap and wrap the blanket around us, as if that will make a difference, and kiss the hell out of her for several minutes before I pull back gently, hating what I need to say next. “I have to get going.”

“It’s late. You could stay…”

“As much as I love the idea of that, you didn’t even want to kiss me in front of Jordan, so I don’t think you’ll be okay with her waking up and finding me here.”

She nods in agreement, her lips curving down into a frown. I hate that she’s sad about me leaving, but I also love it because it means my feelings aren’t one-sided.

“I work for the next two days, but you can text or call me anytime.”

“Okay,” she concedes, climbing off me.

I grab my keys and give her a kiss goodbye.

When I go to pull back, she holds on for a moment longer. “Be careful,” she says, and I know she isn’t talking about driving home. She’s worried about me going to work.

Because I’m a firefighter.

And my woman is terrified of fires.

“Always,” I murmur against her lips.



“Hey, Kelsie, the elementary school is on the phone for you.”

Since the school only calls for one reason during the day—when something has happened to your child—I rush over to the phone. “Hello, this is Kelsie Albright.”

“Hello, Ms. Albright. This is Joan in the front office. Sorry to call you at work, but we sent a message and haven’t heard back.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and check the screen. Sure enough, there’s a missed call, a voicemail, a text message, and an email stating that the school must close due to a broken heater and that parents need to pick up their kids.

“I’m sorry,” I tell her. “The café was busy, and I didn’t feel it vibrate.”

“No worries, dear. There are still a few kids whose parents we haven’t gotten ahold of, either. How soon can you be here to pick up Jordan?”

I glance around at the bustling café, the morning rush still in full swing, and sigh. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

We hang up, and I try to find Dorothy. Aside from leaving her during the busiest time, I’m about to lose a ton of money between my hourly wage and tips, but that’s just the way life goes sometimes.


