El Diablo II Read online M. Robinson (The Devil #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Dark, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Devil Series by M. Robinson

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 89772 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 449(@200wpm)___ 359(@250wpm)___ 299(@300wpm)

The only thing my pain in the ass Italian wife did was cook. There was continuously a plate of food sitting on the stove waiting for me. She never ate in my company. However, dinner was always served.

Most of the time, I watched over her while she slept. Desperately craving to find some sort of refuge through her tranquil, illuminated frame laying on the bed. I’d sit there in the chair, closest to the canopy bed frame. Battling the desire to hold her, to tell her I wanted to claim her body over and over again. To fuck her all night long then hold her in my arms, before I weathered the storm again.

Fucking worshipping her.

Fully conscious of the fact I was ruining her for days to come, and not giving a fuck while doing so. But it wasn’t enough…it would never be enough. Nothing between us would be.

With each passing day, I yearned for her more.

Over the last month, I started finding her asleep in different places around the house. On a random night, I picked her up off the couch, thinking she would throw a fit as soon as she felt my arms around her. To my surprise, she didn’t. I cradled her against my chest and carried her up the stairs to our bedroom. We had yet to sleep in the same bed together, but since that night, that’s where I’d take her.

We never talked about it, in fact, she didn’t even mention it. I decided to let her bring it up on her own. One thing I quickly learned about Sienna was if she had an issue with something, she’d make it known. I waited and not one fucking word. Until she said otherwise, I carried her up to our bed and watched over her while she slept.

Our connection was brought on by darkness and still, she became this beacon of light in my dark life.

Her pouty lips.

Her big brown eyes.

Her pure heart.

I wanted her soul. It had to be mine.

My frustration with her only added to the fury searing through my blood day in and day out.

The bastard in front of me started dozing off, dragging me back to the present, instead of where I ached to be.

With Sienna, my wife.

I forcefully gripped onto his face, tearing the gag from his mouth. “No, no, no…you don’t get to fucking die this quickly.” I didn’t hesitate, needing to bring his ass back to life, so I shot him in the kneecap. He jolted out of unconsciousness, shouting bloody murder.

His murder.

“When did they take her out of Italy?” I seethed, seeing nothing but fucking red.



Luminous red.

“A month! I think a month! That’s all I know! Please! I swear that’s all I know!”

“Where? You piece of shit! Where did they take her?”

“I told you everything I know!”

He barely got the last word out when a bullet struck my thigh, tripping me up.

There was no time to think.

No time to breathe.

No time to get the fuck out of there.

“Motherfucker,” I scowled, feeling anger in a way I hadn’t before.

Time seemed to pick that moment to suddenly slow down. Everything that proceeded was in slow motion.

I jerked around, aiming my gun right at the person responsible, shooting their ass down dead in their tracks.


With one goddamn shot to the forehead, I blew their brains out. I had no time to reflect on another stolen life I acquired. Immediately sick to my stomach. The last bit of my mortality was taken in plain fucking sight.

It was the first time I point-blank killed…

A young woman.

Chapter 25


“Noooooooo!” my victim screeched. “My wife! My fucking wife!”

“Shit!” Carlo panicked, darting his gaze at me. “I didn’t see her, Boss. I swear—”

Raising my gun, I took him out next. A bullet to the chest, causing his body to fly backward. “That’s for not guarding my six.”

“Sir, I’m sor—”

Another bullet near his heart. “Save your bullshit! That woman could have cost me my fucking life!”


Last shot was to his head. His body dropped to the ground in one loud thud.

No mistakes.

Not one.

He paid with his life.

“Goddamn it!” I yelled out my frustrations, so much for Carlo being my main man.

“I’m going to kill you!” my enemy threatened, only further adding gas to my burning blaze. “Do you hear me? I’m going to fuc—”

Lifting my Glock yet again, I blasted him in his heart. My head was pounding, my leg throbbing, my fucking conscience was eating me alive. I was beyond over the fucking dramatics.

In less than a minute, I murdered three people in cold blood. Limping over to the table in the middle of the shop, I carefully sat down to inspect the hole in my leg.

“For fucks sake,” I rasped to myself, undoing my tie. I wrapped it around my thigh, using it as a tourniquet. The bullet was a straight shot through the side of my leg, I probably needed fucking stitches, but I didn’t have the patience for that right now. I was too fucking pissed.


