El Diablo II Read online M. Robinson (The Devil #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Dark, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Devil Series by M. Robinson

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 89772 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 449(@200wpm)___ 359(@250wpm)___ 299(@300wpm)

She was perfection.


Trying to calm myself down with her beauty and smile, I watched the video of her riding her horse until the elevator dinged. Letting me know I arrived at the ground floor. My time of tranquility didn’t last for very long when I was slapped in the face with Gino standing in front of me as soon as the doors opened.

He was used to seeing me covered in someone else’s blood, but his eyes widened when he took in my appearance. Looking me up and down with an expression I recognized all too well. Too fucking familiar with.




“Did Sienna see you?”


“Right now.” He pointed, and my heart dropped.

“Why would Sienna see me right now, Gino?”

“She… I… fuck…”

“Jesus Christ, out with it already!”

“I drove her here. She went up to your office. The guards came back down, saying she told them she’d call when she was ready to leave. We went to get a coffee since she was with you.”

With a seething glare, I questioned, “You brought her here?”

“She wanted to thank you for her stable. I didn’t know—”

“For fucks sake! Where is she?”

He nervously shook his head, all the blood draining from his face.

“Gino. Where. Is. She?”

“Cruz, if she’s not with you…”

Nothing could have prepared me for what he’d say next.

Not one damn thing.

“Then she’s gone.”

Chapter 34


“What do you mean she’s gone?”

“Cruz, we—”

“Gone? Or taken?”

He looked like he was going to pass out, and I didn’t wait for him to respond. Raising my phone, I dialed her main guard.

“Hey, bos—”

Interrupting him, I spewed, “Where is she?”

“We left her up in your office.”

“You left her?”

“Yes, she… uh… she asked us to.”

“Since when do you take orders from my fucking wife?”

“Sir, I thought—”

“I don’t pay you to fucking think. Your job is to guard her!”

“Boss, I…I—”

“If I don’t see Sienna standing in front of me in five fucking minutes, I will break both your legs with my bare hands. Do you understand me?”


I hung up, locking eyes with Gino.

“We need to call Capo.”

“The fuck we do.”


“Hey!” I roared, firmly pointing at him. “It’ll be your fucking funeral if we don’t find her. I left her in your care remember? She was your responsibility today.”

Swiftly, he shut his mouth.

“Yeah, that’s what I fucking thought. Why are you still standing here, Gino? Go. Look. For. Her.”

He fervently nodded, getting out of my face, before I truly lost my temper and showed him what happens to the men who disappoint me. The only reason I didn’t put a hole in his head was because he was Luciano’s right-hand man, and if we didn’t find his daughter he’d do it himself.

I couldn’t go back up to my office, it was still a fucking shit show from Giovanni’s bullshit.

Where I was playing God, when I was really the Devil.

Sienna didn’t deserve a life full of violence, always looking over her shoulder, waiting for her time to come. I wanted her to live a life of bliss, a life I wanted to provide her with.


All I sought was to keep her fucking protected. Three months in and I’d already lost her.

What did she see?

What did she hear?

Where the fuck did she go?

I was terrified to answer my own questions. The biggest one being…

Was she taken?

I couldn’t fathom the thought of that. It didn’t help Giovanni’s words rang through my head as much as any other uncertainty I had.

“You got it all wrong! If you don’t back down you’re going to be the reason your sister dies! Do you hear me! Her death will fall on you!”

“Gino! I’m going to check the house!”

Jumping into my car, I sped back to our home with the thought she maybe went back there. Feeling like a fucking failure the whole time, as I broke every law just to get to her. If something happened to her because of me…

My sister, and now my wife.

It would be my demise.

Thank fuck it didn’t take long to get home. Throwing my car into park, I hauled ass into our house. “Sienna! Sienna, you here?!”

Our estate was massive, and for the next forty-five minutes, I searched high and low. Every crevice, every corner, every goddamn room.


She was nowhere to be found.

I sprinted into the garage and jumped onto my motorcycle, deciding it’d be faster to get to her stable that way. The wind tore through my hair, my face, my whole body, while I felt like I was burning alive from the inside, out.

Coming to a complete stop, I called out, “Sienna!” in pure desperation before running into her stable. Panic started to take hold as I hurried inside past the threshold. “Sienna!”

She wasn’t in there either. Only her horse, Massimo.

I darted around the grounds, cursing it for being so fucking enormous. Searching every place I could think of just to come up empty. Memories from when my sister was taken came flooding back to me. Remembering this was how I felt, losing my mind from one spot to the next. For the first time since my sister was kidnapped, fear began to make its presence known. Settling deep within my bones.


