El Diablo II Read online M. Robinson (The Devil #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Dark, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Devil Series by M. Robinson

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 89772 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 449(@200wpm)___ 359(@250wpm)___ 299(@300wpm)

With the back of his fingers, he caressed my cheek.

“She was his salvation, his safe place, his calm before the fucking storm. The peace and refuge he needed to battle this world. And I knew, I fucking knew…you’d be mine too.”

In one swift movement, he gripped onto the back of my neck. Before I even realized what was happening, he was kissing away the tears on my face. I didn’t realize I was crying until I stirred beneath his lips, his touch, my body trembling under his firm hold.

“The mere thought of another man claiming you as his, made me understand how much you meant to me. How much I wanted you. It wasn’t jealousy, it was primal fucking hunger and baby, I’m fucking starving for you.”

More tears.

More kisses.

More. More. More.

“When it comes to this house, we live here because I wanted you to have what you’re accustomed to. The wedding ring…for fuck’s sake, I thought…I don’t know what the hell I thought. I’ll go buy you a new diamond tomorrow, if that’s what it will take for you to feel like this marriage is our own.”

“Cruz.” I pulled away. “It’s not about—”

“I let you talk, now it’s my turn.”

I glared at him and he grinned in that devious way.

“I don’t need to cheat on you, Sienna, to feel like more of a man.”

I bit my lip, trying to believe him.

“Besides.” He smirked. “Your crazy Italian ass is enough to make me feel like I’m married to several women.”

I chuckled, biting back a smile.

“I want to give you what you need and deserve, but you won’t let me, Sin. You’re intent on fighting me over everything. I don’t watch you on the cameras for anything other than my personal enjoyment. I’m watching over you. It makes me feel calm in moments of madness. Your smile, your laugh, your terrible singing...It’s what keeps me going most days.”

“Where are the cameras?”

He ignored my question. “I’ll never lay a hand on you. Not in anger. Not in vengeance. Not even with my fucking temper. Your father and I are a lot alike, except, I won’t beat a man within an inch of his life for coming onto you in my presence, Sienna. I’ll put a bullet in between his fucking eyes. You’re mine. Even if I have to kill to prove it to anyone who doesn’t realize you’re my wife. Your last name is your protection and if someone wants to disrespect the sanctity of that, then I’m going to make them meet their fucking maker. Do you understand me and everything I’ve said?”

His eyes held so much emotion.

His sincere expression was almost hard to believe.

“Because, Sin,” he added. “I’d love more than anything to prove to you how much you own every last part of me.”

Chapter 30


“If you think I’m full of shit, baby, then throw that picture. It won’t matter to me. Tomorrow when you’re cleaning up this room, I’ll make sure it’s sitting back on my desk. Near me. Where it belongs.”

I thought he was going to kiss me, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed when he grabbed the frame out of my hand and set it back on his desk himself.

“With all that said, Sienna, the only thing standing in our way is you.”

“Sir,” one of the guards walked into the room, causing my heart to sink to the floor.

He’d have to leave me now, and this was the cruel reality of our marriage.

“Sienna, meet me upstairs in our bedroom.”

“You’re coming upstairs?”

“That’s what I said.”

“You’re not lea—”


Reluctantly, I fought against the rebellious approach I was used to with him. Rather than argue, I left. Confused on where things would go from here. On my way toward the stairs, I stopped in the laundry room to grab the first aid kit out of the medicine cabinet. After taking what I needed, I went right up to our bedroom. Stripping off my clothes and stepping into the shower. Desperately needing a few minutes to myself.

The hot water felt amazing, melting away the stress my body was undertaking. Time must have gotten away from me, minutes turned into an hour before I walked out of there and grabbed a warm towel off the heated rack. I dried off, slipping into my silk nightie and robe. Choosing at the last second to throw my wet hair in a messy bun high on my head.

When I strode into the space, Cruz was passed out cold on the bed. I was stunned he was in our room, let alone sleeping in what was supposed to be our matrimonial bed. I stood there amused seeing him lying on my side of the mattress nonetheless.

This was another first for us tonight.

Smirking like a fool, I knew he did that on purpose. Probably thinking I’d wake him and who knows what would stem from it.


