Fandom (Famous #3) Read Online Eden Finley

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Famous Series by Eden Finley

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 88218 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 441(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

Mason’s strong hand grips my shoulder. “Are you sure?”

Am I sure I want to give my first blowjob ever on the floor of a nightclub? No. Is that going to stop me?

No fucking way.

“I might be terrible at it,” I say, “but I always have my hand for backup if I need it.”

Mason’s grip loosens on my shoulder, and it’s enough of an encouragement for me.

I don’t remove his pants, just lower them a little and tuck the waistband of his boxers under his balls. My mouth waters, and I think of all the times I imagined doing this. His tip is swollen and leaking, and as I stroke him with my hand, more precum dribbles out.

I run my tongue over it and get a hit of saltiness.

When he licked my cum off his hand in the shower and then I kissed him, I could faintly taste my cum, but this? There’s no comparison.

Mason shudders, and I’ve barely even had my mouth on him yet. “I don’t think we’ll have to worry about you being bad at it. You’re already driving me crazy. I want to come.”

He runs a hand through my hair, but it’s gentle and affectionate.

“I want you to come in my mouth,” I say.

His hips thrust, and his cock hits me in the chin. I grab the base with my hand, but before I wrap my lips around him, I glance up into his lust-filled eyes.

“I’ll take that as a yes?”

A feral look crosses his face—his bad-boy persona coming out to play—and I am so here for it.

No more fucking around. I want his dick in my mouth more than I need my next breath.

As much as I want to dive on that thing and suck him down, I know I should ease myself into this. Slowly, I run my tongue along the underside to the tip and suck just his head.

The sounds Mason makes when he’s getting off are hotter than any grunting, panting, or moans that I’ve ever heard before. In real life or in porn. Here, in this moment, Mason is barely hanging on, and when he makes those same noises, I know it’s because he’s trying to regain control.

Moving my mouth over his dick is all a blur. Sucking him becomes a mission on trying to get him to keep groaning, but then my own cock protests.

It aches to the point I have to do something. I release my hand from him, and he lets out a tortured sound this time. It’s still hot. I want to tell him my hand will be right back, but I don’t need to, because the second he sees me struggle with my pants, he says, “Fuck yes. Touch yourself, Denny. Get off with me.”

That’s the plan.

With my cock free, I’m able to stroke myself while I use my other hand to help my mouth on Mason’s dick.

I suck, I stroke, and I jerk myself so fast the edge comes creeping up. And when Mason starts thrusting into my mouth and losing control, my orgasm only builds faster.

Mason’s hand in my hair that was gentle and caressing changes in an instant. His fingers tighten, and my scalp stings. The shock of it sends an electric current right to my dick.

And when Mason gasps, “Denny,” it’s all over.

For both of us.

I want to swallow him all, but it’s hard to breathe when his cock is near the back of my tongue and his cum is shooting down my throat.

I continue to convulse in my hand while his load dribbles out the side of my mouth. But then our wrung-out bodies relax, and as I pull off him, he runs his thumb over my lips and wipes away the evidence of him from my chin.

“That was hot.”

I can barely catch my breath. “So hot.”

“Let’s quickly clean up, go back out there, and find any excuse to leave Blake here and go home.”

I wipe my mouth on the back of my hand. “Is there really any point to that? I don’t think I’m going to come again anytime soon.” I stand and make my way to the sink, plucking hand towels from the dispenser to finish cleaning myself up.

Mason steps up behind me. “After that, I want to hold you while we sleep.” He lowers his head and kisses my shoulder.

Yesterday I was worried he didn’t even want to shower with me.

I turn. “I still can’t believe this is happening.”

“Me too. But I don’t want it to stop.”

“Neither do I.”

He pulls away from me. “If it didn’t look super suspicious, I’d hold your hand, but I don’t think straight guys do that.”

“Hey, affection between guy best friends should be normalized.” But I pull open the bathroom door and let him go first.

“I agree,” he yells over the music, but then he moves in closer. “But we’re not only best friends anymore, are we?”


