Hale Read Online Free Books by K. Webster

Categories Genre: Dark, Drama, Erotic, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 68920 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 345(@200wpm)___ 276(@250wpm)___ 230(@300wpm)

“A cousin,” I say with a grin.

“This is exciting!” Rylie exclaims. She reaches over and squeezes Aunt Becky’s hand. “I’m so happy for you guys.”

“We’re hoping for a boy,” Uncle Randy tells us.

“But we’ll be happy with a girl,” Aunt Becky quickly amends.

“I’m going to get a job soon as school is out just so I can spoil the baby with lots of clothes,” Rylie says.

Aunt Becky smiles. “You don’t have to get a job. College is difficult enough without—”

“I’m not going to college,” Rylie interrupts.

And just like that, the usual tension between her and Aunt Becky is back.

“Of course you’re going to college.” Aunt Becky straightens her spine and glowers at my sister.

“I want to go to beauty school like Mom. She loved her job.” Rylie fidgets in her seat and I place my palm on her thigh beneath the table, rubbing my thumb across the hem of her dress, letting her know I support whatever she wants to do.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Rylie,” Aunt Becky snips. “Your mother struggled her entire life to make ends meet. You’ll go to college and get a good paying job like Randy and I did.”

I want to growl out that Rylie doesn’t have to do anything because I’ll take care of her, but I bite my tongue. Secrets are secrets because you don’t spill them.

“Now’s not the time to talk about this,” I bite out, cutting this argument short. “It’s Rylie’s birthday. We’re not going to grill her about her future.”

I challenge my aunt with a firm stare. Her nostrils flare with fury, but she doesn’t say another word.

The food comes and we all chat about easy topics while we have our fill of ribs, baked beans, and homemade macaroni and cheese.

“I’m stuffed,” Rylie groans as she pats her nonexistent belly.

“Guess you’ll have to dance it off,” I tease. “You know how to two step?”

She smirks. “With Lauren Hale as our mother? We never had an opportunity not to learn how to two step. I think I was dancing long before I could walk.”

I rise from my seat and offer my hand. Aunt Becky eyes my palm like it’s the head of a venomous snake but again keeps her mouth shut. I feel like deep down, she knows, but she has no proof my dick has been inside her only niece. Uncle Randy is completely oblivious as he nurses his beer.

Rylie gives me her hand and flashes me a playful smile despite the heat blazing in her eyes. I lead her away from the table to the dance floor. Neither of us is a fan of country music, but the whole scene reminds me of Mom and Dad. Even with all Dad’s back problems, he’d still get out on the dance floor with her. Lauren and Jerald Hale were made for each other, so much so that they left this world together. Like Romeo and Juliet. I feel like Ry and I are made for each other too. And I’d refuse to live a life without her in it.

I grab onto Rylie’s dainty right hand with my left one and hold our clasped hands slightly out to our sides. Then, I hold on to her back just behind her armpit. She extends her left slender arm along over my right one with her palm resting on my shoulder. The song is fast-paced and we quickly start moving to the beat. At first it’s uncoordinated, but then we find our rhythm. My eyes never leave her bright brown ones and her smile is all for me. The dance floor is crowded, but we easily maneuver around some older couples doing more complicated routines that require them to stop more. I dance her around the floor over and over, the two of us lost in our own world.

When a slow song comes on, I pull Rylie to a corner behind several other couples and away from Aunt Becky’s prying eyes. I hug my sister to me, kiss the top of her head, and rock against her. She relaxes in my hold and lets me control the pace of our slow dance. Despite the rain, she chose a pretty black dress with floral patterns that shows off way too much leg. If we weren’t surrounded by people, I’d find a way to work my hands beneath her dress so I could hold on to her ass. Unfortunately, we’re not alone and I have to make do with what I have.

Rylie tilts her head up and our mouths are just inches apart. I could kiss her and probably not get caught, but it’s too risky. My gaze falls to her lips and I have to ignore the way I want to suck on her bottom one.

“I love you,” she says just loud enough I can hear her over the music.


