Wicked Choice Read Online Sawyer Bennett (The Wicked Horse Vegas #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Wicked Horse Vegas Series by Sawyer Bennett

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 71348 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 357(@200wpm)___ 285(@250wpm)___ 238(@300wpm)

Peter Rabbit.

Where the Wild Things Are.

The Giving Tree.

I glance back and forth between the box and the water bottles I continue grabbing. I suppose the argument could be made that perhaps Rachel has a niece or nephew those are for, but my gut tells me differently.

She’s buying stuff for the baby.

Never for a moment do I consider that she wants to stay involved. Instead, a wave of sadness hits me that it’s only about leaving a little piece of herself with the child. Nothing Rachel has done or said would lead me to believe otherwise.

Rachel collapses on top of me, her body slick with sweat. She just rode my cock like she was riding a rodeo bull. Completely in command of the situation, pleasuring me and torturing me at the same time. She squeezed her breasts while she did so, pinching her nipples. I totally lost my shit when she started rubbing her clit while she bounced up and down on me, intent on getting herself off while doing the same for me.

I saw stars when I exploded, bucked my hips up so hard she almost fell off, and then she landed on top of me while laughing in that sexy, husky tone that said she knew she just rocked my world.

“I feel at this point I should ask what you want,” I say, stroking her lower back with my hand.

Her head pops up and her eyes look at me in confusion. “What I want?”

“Yeah,” I say with a sly grin. “You cook me a fabulous meal and then fuck me like I’ve never been fucked before. This is when the dude says, ‘What do you want?’.”

Rachel laughs and shakes her head. She rolls off and flips to her back beside me. “I don’t want anything. I got just as much out of this as you did. Fantastic lasagna and a nuclear orgasm.”

“It was a damn fucking good orgasm,” I say in agreement. “Oh, and the lasagna was awesome, too.”

I roll to my side, facing her. Lifting to an elbow, I rest my head in the palm of my hand. My eyes slowly travel down her body, trailing a finger right along with my gaze. Down the center of her chest, over her stomach, and right down to the closely cropped curls guarding her sex. The curls are darker, glistening with her juices and my cum. I push a finger right down in between, grazing over her clit, which causes her to groan before I push my digit inside of her. I feel her muscles contract all around me before I pull my now-soaked finger out.

I rub it around her clit lazily while I stare at what I’m doing. Rachel moans, swivels her hips, and curses under her breath. I ignore her, fascinated with how responsive her body is to me even though she just came spectacularly moments ago. I press against her clit harder, rub a little faster. Rachel’s breath comes out in choppy little pants.

“Fuck,” she barks as her hips shoot off the bed. It catches me by surprise since I didn’t think she’d come that fast, but I slip a finger back inside and sure as shit, her muscles ripple all around me as the orgasm takes control of her body.

She lets out a huge huff of relief as she sags back down into the mattress. I pull my finger out, giving a tiny flick to her clit before bringing my hand back up to rest across the lower part of her stomach.

My gaze travels up to her face, which is flushed and sweaty. She glares at me, which I find comical. She fucking enjoyed that as much as I did.

But then I notice something. I glide my palm over her belly and muse almost, “Is it me, or are you beginning to show?”

Rachel’s head lifts from the pillow, and she looks down at her stomach. “I thought I was just feeling a little bloated, but… maybe.”

I lift my hand, and we stare at her abdomen.

And yes… it’s got the tiniest, most barely perceptible pooch to it.

“Now that, Miss Hart, is sexy as fuck,” I say, looking back to her with a grin.

She rolls her eyes. “You won’t be saying that when I’m waddling around, all fat and miserable.”

“Now there you’re just wrong,” I assure her. “Knowing it’s our kid in there, I’m going to be turned on and horny as shit the entire time.”

“Well, that’s good,” she quips. “Because I’m perpetually horny.”

“It’s me, right? Not the hormones.” I waggle my brows.

“Sure, baby,” she says, lifting a hand to pat me condescendingly on the cheek. “If that’s what you want to believe.”

“Let’s put that to the test,” I tell her with a low growl. I capture her hand in mine, dragging it down my body. I force her fingers to wrap around my dick, which should be spent and utterly happy right now. It jumps at her touch and I squeeze my hand around hers, causing her to squeeze me. “Return the favor I just gave you. Hand only.”


